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where to place a tower best ( simplification )




Posts: 2

Joined: 23.06.2012, 21:20

Post 08.12.2013, 22:47

where to place a tower best ( simplification )


i'd like to share with you guys the results of some calculations on where to place a tower i made with matlab last year or so. I wanted to post this earlier but forgot about it ;). I hope some of u might find this helpful.
Here's a sample:


the script basically loads the path off of the map file and simulates a creep with speed 50 (Manta) running through the course for every tower & upgrade. Once a creep is within range of a tower and the cooldown timer is zero, the dmg for that position is added to the sum.
The results are plottet seperately for each tower, but for all upgrades, so one can see how positions change by upgrade. The colors show the absolute damage (see legend aside).

What is not taken into account:
- splash damage
- slow
- restricted tower places
- faster creeps
- multiple creeps

Below, 114 maps with 6 pics for each map (the different towers) can be downloaded, but beware, unpacked that's about 3.8 gb (i've set the resolution too high... and bmp, why did i do that... sigh!)
The map set i've used is quite old, so new maps are missing.
Also, some maps could not be loaded with the method i've used and some path's seem to be broke, d'oh!

What might be taken from the plots:
- comparison between absolute damage of different towers ( with respect to the position )
- how "best" place for a tower changes over the upgrades
- don't overestimate the values, they only hold true for one creep in lane at a time (e.g. with strategy -> strongest and only one "strong" creep in lane, the values are accurate, in other cases, they are not )


If someone wants to have those scripts ( which are not at all commented ), i can post them here.



Post 08.12.2013, 22:47

Re: where to place a tower best ( simplification )



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Post 08.12.2013, 23:30

Re: where to place a tower best ( simplification )

Can you send me your .m-files?



Posts: 2

Joined: 23.06.2012, 21:20

Post 09.12.2013, 00:22

Re: where to place a tower best ( simplification )

these scripts might be slightly inefficient :D i'm not an informatics guy

some animation i also found:
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