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Reset Skill



Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 27.06.2014, 11:47

Re: Reset Skill

Ich bin absolut für den Skillreset! Gibt genug Accountleichen im Ranking, und genug Pfosten, die sich auf diese, momentan absolut nicht repräsentative, Zahl zu viel einbilden...


Post 27.06.2014, 11:47

Re: Re: Reset Skill




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Post 29.06.2014, 02:59

Re: Reset Skill

First of all, you have to understand how the Elo system works and how it is influenced by the player pool.
Just to give you a general idea: the smaller the player pool is the harder it is to get higher Elo values.
Example: having just a total of 20 players playing Creep TD and starting with 1000 Elo, no one would ever get higher that 1500 Elo, the top players will probably get to around a maximum of 1300 and the worst end up at 700.
But having a few millions of players the Elo range would spread from around -3000 to +4000.

So for example if Creep TD had a million players 2 years ago and now only have 3000 players left, the players who got their high elo 2 years ago and stopped playing since then have secured an elo value which can't be touched anymore because the player pool has decreased to 3000.
Well, it's a little bit more complicated than that, but generally this is how it works and that's why Elo resets are good, but not full resets to 1000 Elo! A soft reset is much better!

A very good system managing the problems with inactive players etc. is used by League of Legends.

There you have a soft reset of everyones Elo-value every season (a season is one year).
Soft reset means that there is a formula which calculates your current Elo somewhat down but not to 1000.
For example 1900 goes down to 1500,
1500 goes down to 1280,
and 800 goes up to 900.

I didnt use a formula for this examples to calculate the exact numbers but it shows how about it would look like.

Also there should be an Elo decaying system which should affect only players who are above 1200 Elo.
Players who are inactive for 7 days should lose 5 skill points per week not playing.
Yes, you can easily avoid the dacay just by playing one game per week but that's perfectly fine, the whole idea about the decaying system is that you can't get to a really high Elo and stay there without playing.



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Post 14.07.2014, 22:45

Re: Reset Skill

Ein plötzlicher Reset vom Skill ist m.E. für viele Spieler demotivierend. Ideal wäre eine schleichende "Entwertung" von Skillpunkten die alt werden.

Das könnte z.B. wie aussehen wie bei einem Zerfallsprozess (im Bsp nach einem Jahr nur noch 80%):
von 100 Skillpunkte erworben im Jahr N bleibt folgendes übrig: 100 * 0,8 ^ N
das ergibt folgende Reihe:
Jahr 0 : 100
Jahr - 1 : 80
Jahr - 2 : 64
Jahr - 3 : 51
Jahr - 4 : 41
Nach 10 Jahren wäre dann nur noch ca. 10% des ursprünglichen Skillzugewinns übrig.

Besser als jährlich wäre monatlich, will man ein ähnliches Abklingen, wäre die Formel dann 100 * 0,8 ^ (N / 12)
Man verliert also nicht schlagartig seinen Skill, sondern kontinuierlich. Je länger ein Skillgewinn zurückliegt, desto weniger zählt er.
Nachteil des Verfahrens ist, dass CTD speichern muss, wann wieviel Skill erworben wurde und dass die Berechnung mit Fliesskommazahlen erfolgen sollte. Die Berechnung des aktuellen Skills ergibt sich als Summe aller erworbenen (und nach der Formel reduzierten) Skillpunkte. Wie schon TymoToYZ beschreibt tut das natürlich auch bei negativem Skillgewinnen.



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Post 06.10.2014, 13:50

Re: Reset Skill

Hello my dear TD friends and also twinks...

The reason why im posting here follows, as we all know, from september no twink user is allowed.
I have some question to this rule.

1. How admin can know, if my brother is not playing on my computer ?
2. I expect, the main reason why twink is banned from games is, that he beats higher ranked
opponents and they loose so many points, but there are many other reason why im especialy using
twink - my computer has not stable connection, so i take different account, cause there is a big chance
that i loose o won game...
3. and last point, how can ban someone who just say, it was not me, my friend is playing this game
on same PC, with same IP ?
4. there is no twink specification... for example all my twinks are the same skill, so every player which
is playing with me, or mine twinks knows, how good im, the only difference is in ranking, but the skills
says what he can expect, im not using new characters with 1000 skill, and secondly, everybody knows
when im taking one of my twink, its me... so im poiting to the idea, when i take my normal/acccount with
1400+ skill, im waiting ages for a game to start, so the easy way is to create a new character and play a game
with it... for most players here



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Post 06.10.2014, 17:57

Re: Reset Skill

Stimmt schon.
Macht mal Skillreset...


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Express Raptor
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Post 20.04.2017, 09:57

Re: Reset Skill

Um das Thema wieder aufzugreifen.
Es ist jetzt schon eine Zeit her seit dem letzten Skillreset und wie es aussieht, gibt es wieder einige inaktive Spieler in der Rangliste oben.
Nun wird überlegt, ob man nicht noch einmal einen Skillreset durchführen sollte, sprich: Neuer Skill = (Alter Skill - 1000) / 2 + 1000, wie letztes mal eben (Alle mit <=1000 Skill sind nicht betroffen).
So hätte man mit 2000 Skill nach dem Reset nur noch 1500 Skill.
Was dazu führen würde, dass die Skillabstände sich halbieren und die inaktiven Spieler oben in der Rangliste wieder etwas ausgedünnt werden. Bevor dies aber gemacht wird, wollten wir wissen, was ihr davon haltet; ob es sich überhaupt lohnt, den Skill wieder zu resetten oder ob es in der Hinsicht gar kein Verlangen gibt.
Bitte teilt eure Meinung und es wird danach entschieden, ob die Community sich einen Skillreset wünscht oder eben nicht.
Die "Umfrage" hat keine direkte Deadline, ich würde die einfach mal so lange laufen lassen, bis man zumindest mal 5-10 Meinungen hat oder eben nichts mehr kommt.

For the english speaking people:
We are thinking about to reset the skill-ranking again: New Skill = (Old Skill - 1000) / 2 + 1000, like the last time (players with <=1000 skills are not affected).
So give your opinion ... should we reset the skill-ranking? Yes or no? Please explain why we should or why we should not.
Ingame-Name: Egoistic

~ Gibt es spielerische Fragen, dann fragt Seraph07


Aussagekräftige Turmstellung



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Post 20.04.2017, 11:50

Re: Reset Skill



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Fast Nova
Fast Nova

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Post 20.04.2017, 17:08

Re: Reset Skill

Ihr wollt meinen Skill? Den könnt ihr haben!

Auf gehts zum Skillreset.
Kann ich mich vllt diesmal in die top 5 sneaken ... und dann pausieren bis es wieder einen gibt


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Post 20.04.2017, 17:45

Re: Reset Skill


Ja wäre für einen Skillreset !

1. Gibt sehr viele Accountleichen im Ranking.
2. Die aktuelle Nummer 1 der Rangliste bekommt auch mal wieder mehr Skillpunkte als dauernd nur 1.Pünktchen. :lol:



Fast Nova
Fast Nova

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Post 20.04.2017, 19:07

Re: Reset Skill

Skill reset can solve problems like inactive/ban/twing accounts if you decide to make it happen periodically (1 year). But this is not a solution. On the other hand elo system is good but we dont have the popoulation. So the bigest problem we must solve: is to figure out how we can protect a high skill level player whithout destroing the skill philoshophe and at the same time to give the reward to weaker player who achives a great victory against a high skill player.
Last edited by savvi on 21.04.2017, 09:36, edited 1 time in total.


Fast Nova
Fast Nova

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Post 21.04.2017, 09:22

Re: Reset Skill

TymoToYZ wrote:First of all, you have to understand how the Elo system works and how it is influenced by the player pool.
Just to give you a general idea: the smaller the player pool is the harder it is to get higher Elo values.
Example: having just a total of 20 players playing Creep TD and starting with 1000 Elo, no one would ever get higher that 1500 Elo, the top players will probably get to around a maximum of 1300 and the worst end up at 700.
But having a few millions of players the Elo range would spread from around -3000 to +4000.

So for example if Creep TD had a million players 2 years ago and now only have 3000 players left, the players who got their high elo 2 years ago and stopped playing since then have secured an elo value which can't be touched anymore because the player pool has decreased to 3000.
Well, it's a little bit more complicated than that, but generally this is how it works and that's why Elo resets are good, but not full resets to 1000 Elo! A soft reset is much better!

A very good system managing the problems with inactive players etc. is used by League of Legends.

There you have a soft reset of everyones Elo-value every season (a season is one year).
Soft reset means that there is a formula which calculates your current Elo somewhat down but not to 1000.
For example 1900 goes down to 1500,
1500 goes down to 1280,
and 800 goes up to 900.

I didnt use a formula for this examples to calculate the exact numbers but it shows how about it would look like.

Also there should be an Elo decaying system which should affect only players who are above 1200 Elo.
Players who are inactive for 7 days should lose 5 skill points per week not playing.
Yes, you can easily avoid the dacay just by playing one game per week but that's perfectly fine, the whole idea about the decaying system is that you can't get to a really high Elo and stay there without playing.

Losing 5 skill points per week is not so good idea. Because there are ppl who can not play every week a game for many different reasons. Losing 5 Skill points per month is better. We can create a limit like 5 up to 10 games per month.


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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 21.04.2017, 12:03

Re: Reset Skill

savvi wrote:Losing 5 skill points per week is not so good idea. Because there are ppl who can not play every week a game for many different reasons. Losing 5 Skill points per month is better. We can create a limit like 5 up to 10 games per month.

I like the idea too with losing skills per month but we don't know if dcode has the time or if he wants to do it. That's why I was talking about a simple skill reset like last time.
Ingame-Name: Egoistic

~ Gibt es spielerische Fragen, dann fragt Seraph07


Aussagekräftige Turmstellung



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Post 21.04.2017, 15:41

Re: Reset Skill

One disadvantage we have to consider is that we also punish all player who 'worked' hard to gain their skill and also play daily, but as long as there is no way to change the process of the system, go for a skillreset !

Last edited by Earthquake on 22.04.2017, 13:06, edited 1 time in total.


Fast Nova
Fast Nova

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Post 22.04.2017, 10:02

Re: Reset Skill

Earthquake wrote:One disadvantage we have to consider is that we also punish all player who 'worked' hard to gain their skill and also play daily, but as long as there is no way to change the process of the system, go for a skillreset !


Without offence i think you are missing the point of the conversation. You are saying punish all player who 'worked' hard to gain their skill. Give me an example. Maybe you think the other players they dont "work hard". What do you think about the top 20 on the leaderboards? They dont punish? Is this a punish? I dont think so.

Skill reset is not bad and at the same time is not good too. This action can give activite for a couple of months for sure. Do you want to sit on 3000 Skill points and dominating all the others ppl without playing a single game? Its ok for me. I have no problem with that at all.


Fast Nova
Fast Nova

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Post 23.04.2017, 11:20

Re: Reset Skill




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Post 03.05.2017, 15:48

Re: Reset Skill

we all know the best players...and in a community this small,it just doesnt matter

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