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Multiple Accounts



Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 10.10.2013, 18:51

Multiple Accounts

Nearly everyone that i have asked the question: "why not just use your main account?" answers: "i can't get any games/players". That being said, i understand why you make new accounts, but the idea that any player needs 5 or 6 accounts to get a game is ridicules. the reason that players do not want to play with other players that have a monstrous amount of skill or experience to themselves is because every player wants a fair chance at winning. So, if you play other players that have 1700+ skill on a regular basis, chances are that when you play other less skilled players, you stomp the S**t out of them, which is not fun at all.
Making a new account, does not solve this problem, in fact, it makes people more angry. If i play with a person that im expecting to not be very good, usually i go easy on them, and then to find out that their a pro player, i get annihilated because of false information, which lead to me handicapping my game, under the intentions of not playing an unsportsman-like game.
Furthermore, i cant recall how many times, a monster player sits down in my lobby and i kick him out, and then they come back on their alternate account. THEN, when i lose to this person who has a ridiculous amount of experience and skill to my own, i lose 10x the skill because their playing on a brand new account and only have 1000 skill.
This IS an issue, even if no one is willing to address.
I believe it is primarily the reason that new players who find this great game, don't stick around, or tell their friends about it. Simply because pro players feel the need to trick everyone into playing a person well above their skill bracket.
It really sucks, I'm sick of it, and i would like to see something done about it. What can be done? I don't know. But something has to be done.
P.S. I already know the opinion of all the pro players this effects, and i know you want to call me a coward, and an unsportsman like player, and whatever else you can think of, but shove it, i could care less. You guys are creating this problem and pushing new players away before they even have the chance to like the game. I'm simply addressing the problem.


Post 10.10.2013, 18:51

Re: Multiple Accounts



Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 10.10.2013, 19:53

Re: Multiple Accounts

Just don´t kick the "monster players" out and they wont rejoin with a weaker twink.


Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 10.10.2013, 20:14

Re: Multiple Accounts

lol wtf. go back and read what i already wrote, then delete your post for being completely useless and off topic from the real issue i addressed.


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Post 10.10.2013, 21:13

Re: Multiple Accounts

I completly agree with you, secoundaccounts disturbe the gameplay a lot.
It is an issue for every player - even for the jerks which uses badaccounts. Like you already mentioned is that we lack of players which fill games.

More players and a more friendly community would help a lot to solves the issues of a "high" waitingtime for created games.
Since we cannot really ban badaccounts atm, we could mark the main- and the badaccounts . So everyone can see:"this new account has probably more skill."

Using badaccounts disturbes the logic of our pointsystem. Nobody can see how much skill and how much experience the other one has. These numbers are important signals for the communication and how people will choose theire games (creating and joining).

It is important that everyone can select his games from players he does not want to play with. Thats why we have the skill - limit. Joining with a secound account under these limits is very unmoral and gets in conflict with the creator of the game.

If somebody doesnt want to play against me - thats totaly fine. He can play with some other guys and maybe he trys it the next time. It is not like the pros wouldnt try to help new players. Some newcommer are scared and some ask for help.

Some good hints how the community can act in a more superiorly way is the CreepTD-TV. Taking advise and helping each other gains much more gameplay than the temporary using of a secoundary account.

PS: Dont kick players off your game. Use the limit or ask them to leave.


Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 10.10.2013, 22:22

Re: Multiple Accounts

thank you for addressing the problem directly.
"PS: Dont kick players off your game. Use the limit or ask them to leave"
The limit no longer works the way it's supposed to. i can set the limit to no more the 1500 skill, and the player will simply log onto another account that does not exceed this limit. The skill limit for games, ONLY Works, when it is a highly skilled player, who is setting the minimum. (Example: the player sets the game limit to minimum 1500 skill.) This is the ONLY way that setting the limit truly effects who is allowed to join.
Asking them to leave, that's a good laugh. If i get kicked from a game, well, i understand that i am not welcome to join the game. If you get kicked from a game, is your initial thought, opps, he must have accidentally kicked me.? Kicking people from the game is the same as asking not to play, just without using words. The idea that i have to ask someone to stop joining my game, even when i have kicked them several times, is an insult to peoples ability to adhere to common sense. These players who require a verbal request to go away, or to not come back with another account, are the retards who are responsible for this whole issue in the first place. As such, simple verbal requests (or being kicked from a game) does not outweigh their intentions to join and play in your game, regardless of what the game creator wants or asks.
As I stated before, I do not have a solution for this problem, but i will add that, I have indeed given this some thought, and every solution i consider is proven to be useless as any form of solution. Banning accounts would only aggravate these experienced pro players, and these players might end up quitting because their main account ends up deleted. Furthermore, as previously stated, i do understand that people want to play, and no one will join their game, and as such, they MUST do something (new accounts) in order to keep playing this fine game. I understand this, and recognize it as the primary source of the issue.
I expect that this issue will persist, only because no viable solution is available, which is unfortunate because how many more people will be pushed away from this game in the time it takes to resolve this issue? The longer it takes, the longer it will be before an increase in the popularity of CreepTD.


Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 12.10.2013, 03:00

Re: Multiple Accounts

the following image was a game played today, and serves as a perfect example of what this thread is about.
creeptdgame.gif (97.64 KiB) Viewed 23626 times


Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 12.10.2013, 03:18

Re: Multiple Accounts

here's an idea for a solution. A 'find me a seat' button. Click the button and it puts you in the first available game, (only games that have this function enabled). To ensure that players are not abusing this button, (joining and leaving, joining and leaving) players using this new game mode\function would be anonymous to each other, which includes skill points and experience points (and any other information that could be used to identify other payers). [End Game final report should include full names so players can see who they were against after the fact]
With this anonymous addition, players who can not find games, would have an alternative to making a new account, (just to be able to play a game). Also, this new function would encourage, and all but force less experienced players to play more skilled opponents. By getting more players to improve their skill level, pro players would have more players willing and available for games, also decreasing the need for new accounts.
[Essentially the reason to create new accounts is to hide one's identity and reputation, so allow players to hide their identity]


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 12.10.2013, 10:09

Re: Multiple Accounts

And badaccounts have a wonderful possibility to find opponents, if noone can see their XP-skill-ratio anymore.


Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 12.10.2013, 23:04

Re: Multiple Accounts

right, but, were are playing against these "badaccounts" already, and losing LOTS so wheres the real downside?
another idea,
if, when creating a new account, you were able to enable a supervisor to your new account, and skill gain would be based on how much your supervisor account has. so a new account (pro player) would no longer be stealing 46 skill off a game, they would steal, say 5 skill. ( the flaw here is: what if a player made a noob account their supervisor, and gained skill accordingly. obviously this is not a perfect solution, but could instigate a developer to think of something new.)
Adding a supervisor to a new account, in which the player who owns the supervisor account, would be absolutely mandatory in every sense of the word, punishable by banning. This would force pro's who are making new accounts to register their main account to this new account, so you know who the new account belongs to, and would prevent players from losing a ton of skill to pro players on noob accounts.
Last edited by GhostStalker on 12.10.2013, 23:31, edited 1 time in total.


Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 14.10.2013, 20:27

Re: Multiple Accounts

In the last couple days, I have arrived at these conclusions
1) these alt (bad) accounts have been going on for at least a year
2) the amount of updates, and intended updates for CreepTD for the past year are minimal
3) CreepTD IS reaching new players (however slow the process)
4) No one else is complaining about this issue of multi acc.'s

All in all, I am convinced that moderators/developers have been very aware of this instance since it first began. Knowing this allows me to conclude that lack of updates could (could) be a symptom of lack of interest in improving the game play on the developers behalf. Furthermore, CreepTD is in fact still getting new players, so providing a solution to this multi acc. issue, is not necessary for the survival of CreepTD.
So, putting it all together i get, developers don't really care about this problem, because 1, new players are still coming, 2, No one else is complaining about this issue, 3, this issue has been going on for at least a year, and no one has cared in the past year so why start caring now, when the result could be the cause of 'Pro' players getting aggravated and quitting.
All in all, you can go ahead and close and delete this thread because I'm convinced that I'm simply wasting my time bringing up this issue to developers who don't care, and haven't for the past year.
Tell me I'm wrong.


Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 14.10.2013, 20:40

Re: Multiple Accounts

Also, something else related to the topic,
When i cursor over a player that has less the (i believe) 1200 skill, their amount of skill is hidden. This was not always like this. (I'm pretty certain) It used to be, No matter your amount of skill, all players could always see it. If this, hiding of lower amounts of skill, was removed, players could see who their really up against, instead of hoping that its not a 'badacc'
What was the reason that hiding lower amounts of skill came into the game?


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Post 15.10.2013, 09:56

Re: Multiple Accounts

We had a great discussion about multiple accounts for ages.

My Opinion:
Mark 2.nd-accounts so everyone can decide to play against a 2.nd-account or not! ... 35&act=url


Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 15.10.2013, 21:08

Re: Multiple Accounts

So your saying I'm right? Nothing is going to be done, so don't count on anything?

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