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1.0 RC* Updates



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Post 12.06.2012, 15:49

1.0 RC* Updates

Hello everyone,

I recently released a quite large update that fixes a lot of bugs and adds some more functionality to the game. Changes include:

Improved graphics
Setting the graphics quality to "High" will enable clouds on the game board.

Killing creeps on game over
If a player is game over, all of his sent creeps inside other player's contexts are killed. This prevents selling and sending just before a player is game over, which could under some circumstances destroy the other players' tactics. However, in all kinds of team modes this does not apply.

Seeding skill
All skills below 1200 will from now on be handled as "still seeding". Because of that, only skill values above 1200 are shown as a numeric value inside the game. This change intends to make skill less frustrating for new or just casual players who are still trying hard to become better - and for this usually have to lose some skill before it raises again.

Mac OS fixes
The operating system integration on Mac OS had some issues that have been resolved with this release. Only integration features that work well on OSX have been kept. Also the "Sell" and "Upgrade" buttons should now display correctly.

Voicy integration has been removed for now
The Voicy client that has been implemented as a part of the game client has been removed again. Instead of implementing it inside the game client, which would have caused significant problems, there will be a web integration soon. Stay tuned!

Preparing replays
As you might already know we are working hard to provide you with replays of every single game in the future. To make this happen the replay functionality has been extended to the new protocol standards. When it's stable enough, we'll activate it.

Farthest strategy as fall back
All other strategies will now fall back to farthest if there is more than one creep matching the criteria. Example: If there are two creeps with both 1000 HP and the tower is set to "Hardest", it will target the one creep of those two that is "Farthest" on the map.

Circumventing failing hardware clocks
Some players have reported that bugs like the "no send bug" might be based on a malfunctioning hardware clock. To circumvent this, the update includes another emulated and hopefully reliable time source. This has to be tested, though.

Translation fixes
Some default english translation sentences weren't correctly spelled. This has been fixed but it might take some time till every translator has updated his language to use it.

Map vetoes
Some of you might know the practice of leaving a game inside the first 60 seconds if it picked a random map everyone dislikes. To make this process more straight forward, a /veto command has been implemented that can be used once the random map shows up in the waiting game screen before game start. This feature is currently in testing stage and not yet available to everyone, yet.

Spectator bets
If you are spectating a game, you'll from now on be able to bet on the outcome of the game. To bet, just type /bet WINNER to the chatbox. If you are right, you'll gain 5 XP. If you are wrong, you'll lose them. Good luck! :)

Pauses in Sandbox mode have been disabled

Towers shooting at the top left of the game board quite randomly should have been fixed

Tooltip colors have been fixed

Creep on! :)
Think it, design it, build it, run it. That's what I do.


Post 12.06.2012, 15:49

Re: 1.0 RC* Updates




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Post 12.06.2012, 17:27

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Seeding skill
All skills below 1200 will from now on be handled as "still seeding". Because of that, only skill values above 1200 are shown as a numeric value inside the game. This change intends to make skill less frustrating for new or just casual players who are still trying hard to become better - and for this usually have to lose some skill before it raises again.

Kann mir das mal einer näher erklären.. blick da nicht ganz durch!
Vorsprung durch Technik :p


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Post 12.06.2012, 17:41

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Wer keine 1200 Skill hat, bei dem wird der Skill nicht angezeigt.
Erst ab 1200 Skill werden die Skillpunkte angezeigt.


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 12.06.2012, 18:38

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Wenn ein Game ein Skilllimit hat, ist es doof, wenn man seinen Skill nicht weiss. Fiel mir gerade nur so ein.



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Post 12.06.2012, 18:48

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Und wenn man Limit erst ab 1200 einführt?



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Post 12.06.2012, 19:02

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Bin bis jetzt eigentlich wirklich zufrieden mit den features des Spiels.
Das einzige was mir noch einfallen würde, wär das man seine freunde in einen server einladen kann,
Oder das man zumindest wenn man ein eigenes spiel erstellt plätze reservieren kann.
Und danke für die "fall back to farthest" funktion, sehr gute idee :)


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 12.06.2012, 22:30

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Good changes.

One question :)
dcode wrote:All other strategies will now fall back to farthest if there is more than one creep matching the criteria. Example: If there are two creeps with both 1000 HP and the tower is set to "Hardest", it will target the one creep of those two that is "Farthest" on the map.

How does this affect my playing? I cant think of a situation where that would actually help me much, because once you shoot the hardest, there will no longer be 2 same hardness creeps, so it will just shoot them sequentially anyways. Can you give an example where this new feature comes handy?


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 12.06.2012, 22:50

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

ALT wrote:Good changes.

One question :)
dcode wrote:All other strategies will now fall back to farthest if there is more than one creep matching the criteria. Example: If there are two creeps with both 1000 HP and the tower is set to "Hardest", it will target the one creep of those two that is "Farthest" on the map.

How does this affect my playing? I cant think of a situation where that would actually help me much, because once you shoot the hardest, there will no longer be 2 same hardness creeps, so it will just shoot them sequentially anyways. Can you give an example where this new feature comes handy?

Fastest => Farthest Raptor in endgame => pimped Farthest Rockets because phoenixes and motherships will be ignored.


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 12.06.2012, 23:11

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

EasyX wrote:Fastest => Farthest Raptor in endgame => pimped Farthest Rockets because phoenixes and motherships will be ignored.

So we dont need motherships anymore? (or any other red creep?) Edit: wait, what you mean phoenixes will be ignored? when you slow down a raptor, its speed goes below phoenix as far as i know, thats why i spam phoenixes with raptors so raptors can go faster when slows target to phoenixes...

Not sure how good that new feature will be... it seems to me that now all you need to do is to set all towers to fastest and not think about it anymore?


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Express Raptor
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Post 13.06.2012, 04:54

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

U cant slow phö who cares :lol:
Ingame-Name: Egoistic

~ Gibt es spielerische Fragen, dann fragt Seraph07


Aussagekräftige Turmstellung


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 13.06.2012, 09:25

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Darkblades wrote:U cant slow phö who cares :lol:

Thats the point dude... the slowtowers will target to phoenix - which cannot be slown down. or does it ignore them now somehow?!? omg... the game mechanics are spoiled then.


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Post 13.06.2012, 09:48

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

ALT wrote:
Darkblades wrote:U cant slow phö who cares :lol:

Thats the point dude... the slowtowers will target to phoenix - which cannot be slown down. or does it ignore them now somehow?!? omg... the game mechanics are spoiled then.

Fastest ignores phoenixes!


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 13.06.2012, 10:24

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

krunx wrote:Fastest ignores phoenixes!

since when?


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Post 13.06.2012, 10:25

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

ALT wrote:
krunx wrote:Fastest ignores phoenixes!

since when?

Since the game exists!


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 13.06.2012, 12:22

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

krunx wrote:
ALT wrote:
krunx wrote:Fastest ignores phoenixes!

since when?

Since the game exists!

:shock: seriously? it... cant... be... :o even since CreepSmash?


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Post 13.06.2012, 12:26

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Wenn man gewettet hat, muss man bis zum Spielende in diesem Spiel bleiben?
Falls nein, wie oft darf man wetten?

Eine Statistik wie seine Einsätze verlaufen sind wäre ganz interessant.

@ALT in Creepsmash there was only the hard option.


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 13.06.2012, 12:31

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Seraph07 wrote:@ALT in Creepsmash there was only the hard option.

:shock: No... maybe some early betas that i never played, but just before it changed to CreepTD i certainly remember having all 5 strategies!


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Post 13.06.2012, 12:45

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Seraph07 wrote:Wenn man gewettet hat, muss man bis zum Spielende in diesem Spiel bleiben?
Falls nein, wie oft darf man wetten?

Eine Statistik wie seine Einsätze verlaufen sind wäre ganz interessant.

@ALT in Creepsmash there was only the hard option.

Schon ausprobiert man muss nicht drin bleiben.
Die Option fartest gab es auch schon bei CreepSmash.



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Post 13.06.2012, 14:31

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

Tnx, finally fixed "no send creep" bug :)


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 13.06.2012, 19:38

Re: Update 1.0 RC21

There is a problem with the new skill hiding... the games use skill limits, but i have no idea what is my skill. Also i found it useful to see... if < 1000 = total uber noob, no worth ally. if 1000 = troll, or just new, if >1100 average maybe useful ally, if >1200 good ally.

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