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Estimator 32x16

Moderator: Map Officer




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Joined: 15.12.2012, 10:46

Post 15.12.2012, 11:03

Estimator 32x16


this map has very limited building space (marked with rectangles) and a long (7x) stop early on. it's mainly about estimating how much rocket damage the creeps take while at the stop. after that stop, there is more building space in the second part of the map.

i expect it to go roughly to zeus in the endgame.

estimator.jpg (137.8 KiB) Viewed 1876 times


Post 15.12.2012, 11:03

Re: Estimator 32x16



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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 15.12.2012, 16:46

Re: estimator

7 is far to long. I'd give it a 4. and I don't think it's going till zeus. If you place some ions you can easily defend an phönix.

But let's talk about the map: I like the idea. The Design ok and the path is really something special. What do you think about clearing the path from the lines. I don't think you need the squares in the path.
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Post 15.12.2012, 16:54

Re: estimator

I like the idea of restricted defense spots but I think you can still improve it to make it an even more interesting challenge. Restricting build spots to some squares feels, for me, somewhat random (also we got something like this already in some maps, e.g. ARENA) and I'd love to see a theme that naturaly builds upon the idea. One example could be islands (you can't build on water), a destroyed city (you can't build on debris), a space theme (you can't build in the vacuum) or something like that :)
Think it, design it, build it, run it. That's what I do.


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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 15.12.2012, 16:55

Re: estimator

Space theme sounds quite nice...
"Have no fear of perfection; you'll never reach it."



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Joined: 04.06.2012, 21:47

Post 02.02.2013, 04:50

Re: estimator

Having the map name on the map is ugly and pointless, but to have it eight times is.... well... eight times as worse.
It would just be a distraction to players, and the only reason I could see to have the map name on a map is if it were a boat that had its name on the side like "SS CreepTD" or something not obnoxiousl

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