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CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker



Big Toucan
Big Toucan

Posts: 275

Joined: 31.12.2011, 20:49

Post 10.01.2012, 19:22

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Ximon wrote:
tracker wrote:How to change to old creep/tower gfx?

please add confirmation to the quit button... i pressed that X button without realising it quits (a bit vague). and probably very easy to click in accident too.

In the option menu? (you have to be in the lobby)

I never clicked suddenly on this X (how is this possible?), I don't think it needs an confirmation..

its disabled, i cant change it. neither in lobby or ingame,.,,


Post 10.01.2012, 19:22

Re: Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker



Big Toucan
Big Toucan

Posts: 275

Joined: 31.12.2011, 20:49

Post 10.01.2012, 19:36

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

why cant i play the survivor coop on some maps?? i chose some 32x16 size map but it said its wrong size... it works only with 32x32 size? i would love to play it on ANY map, thats the fun part... huge rush on small map :D

some good news:
- clicking the path/tower doesnt deselect my tower building options! thats great! i hated it so muuch when i misclicked to path and lost many precious seconds :D

bad news:
- right clicking a tower sells it :shock: WTF! no! i right click to stop building, and thats huge problem if i need to aim into empty space (if there is any).

- keys gets locked sometimes, if i press "u" or "i" to upgrade/sell, when i move mouse over any building, it starts to apply those actions on them!!

please make the old gfx default... i am so confused all the time wtf is what and so on...

edit: omg, yes the buttons gets locked all the time: its impossible to play! whenever i hover my mouse over a tower, it gets either sold or upgraded...

edit: please make it possible to upgrade my ALLIES towers, its COOP mode! selling them shouldnt be possible or i would get too pissed LoL


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

Posts: 1978

Joined: 09.07.2011, 12:25


Post 10.01.2012, 19:43

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

You can choose the old graphic surface in the options.


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

Posts: 275

Joined: 31.12.2011, 20:49

Post 10.01.2012, 19:50

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

manuel wrote:You can choose the old graphic surface in the options.

didnt work.... it was grayed out, couldnt click :/


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Post 10.01.2012, 19:54

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Please try to restart the game. When entering the lobby the first time, it will work. From this point on, try to figure out how to reproduce the bug. Please note: It's not possible to change the graphics while playing.
Think it, design it, build it, run it. That's what I do.


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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 10.01.2012, 20:06

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Da wo das Income steht sieht man als Spectator das ganze Spiel nur:


Spectator -> Keine Rundenzahl nichts^^


Man muss wenn man in der Lobby einen Spieler anschreibt und dieser Ingame ist, wieder anklicken um ihm eine weitere nachricht zu schreiben.
Dieser Account ist inaktiv, neuer Ansprechaccount für euch: indeX
This Account is inactive, please write to: indeX


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

Posts: 275

Joined: 31.12.2011, 20:49

Post 10.01.2012, 20:20

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

dcode wrote:Please try to restart the game. When entering the lobby the first time, it will work. From this point on, try to figure out how to reproduce the bug. Please note: It's not possible to change the graphics while playing.

now it worked! can you make it remember my settings, such as sounds and gfx? (not sure if it remember gfx, didnt try, but sounds it didnt remember).



Posts: 140

Joined: 29.07.2011, 12:24

Post 10.01.2012, 20:26

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Paar Bugs auf der Map RW AVA 3 Spieler:

-Tower brauchen des öfteren extrem lange, bis sie gebaut werden bzw. upgegradet werden. (30s-1min)
-Creeps, welche ich schicke, kommen nicht so beim Gegner an, d.h. die hälfte erst 3 Runden später etc.
-paar mal Standbild von etwa 4-5s

Hab leider kein Log (hat i-wie nicht richtig funktioniert), werd ich aber nächstes mal machen


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

Posts: 275

Joined: 31.12.2011, 20:49

Post 10.01.2012, 20:28

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

the old gfx isnt as it was before: creeps doesnt rotate at all! :shock: it looks REALLY funny :D

edit: oh wait, some creeps rotate, but raider doesnt, probably some other too that doesnt rotate. edit: titan doesnt rotate either.


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Joined: 11.07.2011, 22:27

Post 11.01.2012, 01:02

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

verbuggtes AVA Spiel

Zuviel Income: zB 380 nach 2 oder 3 Runden
Creeps kommen gar nicht oder erst nach 10-20 Runden an
Raider drehen sich nciht mit dem Pfad (Classic Grafik)
Türme lassen sich nicht bauen oder es dauert rundenlang bis sie gebaut werden oder geupgadet

[spoiler]00:24:19,337 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1076 - Receive: SL "ASTEROID"
00:24:19,747 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CDR 132 OK
00:24:19,747 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1076 - Receive: CDR 132 OK
00:24:19,747 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1161 - Client LobbyPlayer(beppejoe) successfully downloaded the map
00:24:19,944 INFO Path:607 - Map ASTEROID loaded: 77 segments, 1 starts, 1 ends
00:24:19,952 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1344 - Map download complete (checksum=a0f1727e7e98c099bcece0f7b1eeb838)
00:24:19,952 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: DR "a0f1727e7e98c099bcece0f7b1eeb838"
00:24:20,011 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CDR 124 OK
00:24:20,011 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1076 - Receive: CDR 124 OK
00:24:20,011 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1161 - Client LobbyPlayer(elmero) successfully downloaded the map
00:24:20,013 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CDR 136 OK
00:24:20,013 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1076 - Receive: CDR 136 OK
00:24:20,013 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1161 - Client LobbyPlayer(Runerrun) successfully downloaded the map
00:24:20,276 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CDR 118 OK
00:24:20,276 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1076 - Receive: CDR 118 OK
00:24:20,276 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1161 - Client LobbyPlayer(EasyX) successfully downloaded the map
00:24:20,301 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CDR 122 OK
00:24:20,301 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1076 - Receive: CDR 122 OK
00:24:20,301 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1161 - Client LobbyPlayer(dornroeschen) successfully downloaded the map
00:24:20,837 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CDR 139 OK
00:24:20,837 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1076 - Receive: CDR 139 OK
00:24:20,837 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1161 - Client LobbyPlayer(Griminal) successfully downloaded the map
00:24:21,102 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: SG 124 118 122 136
00:24:21,102 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1076 - Receive: SG 124 118 122 136
00:24:21,102 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1200 - Creating GameScreen
00:24:21,490 INFO GameScreen:89 - Creating GameLoop
00:24:21,526 INFO GameLoop:144 - Initializing...
00:24:21,548 INFO GameLoop:168 - Creating 4 contexts for 4 players All vs. All on MapModel(ASTEROID) (S16x16)...
00:24:21,550 INFO GameLoop:215 - Creating OpponentContext for [GamePlayer(124/elmero)] at TOPLEFT
00:24:21,552 INFO Grid:125 - Creating Grid(GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPLEFT)) (angle=0)
00:24:21,557 INFO GameLoop:210 - Creating PlayerContext for [GamePlayer(118/EasyX)] at TOPRIGHT
00:24:21,558 INFO Grid:125 - Creating Grid(GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPRIGHT)) (angle=90)
00:24:21,560 INFO GameLoop:215 - Creating OpponentContext for [GamePlayer(122/dornroeschen)] at BOTTOMRIGHT
00:24:21,560 INFO Grid:125 - Creating Grid(GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT)) (angle=180)
00:24:21,562 INFO GameLoop:215 - Creating OpponentContext for [GamePlayer(136/Runerrun)] at BOTTOMLEFT
00:24:21,562 INFO Grid:125 - Creating Grid(GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT)) (angle=270)
00:24:21,564 INFO GameScreen:91 - Grabbing PlayerContext
00:24:21,564 INFO GameScreen:93 - Initializing Component
00:24:21,691 INFO GameScreen:95 - Updating option dialog
00:24:21,691 INFO GameScreen:97 - GameScreen is ready
00:24:21,691 INFO ClientCore:593 - [SWITCHSCREEN][,0,0,933x700,invalid,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=9,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=java.awt.Dimension[width=933,height=700]]
00:24:21,691 INFO ClientCore:595 - Popping previous screen
00:24:21,691 INFO ClientCore:597 - Ending previous screen
00:24:21,691 INFO ClientCore:599 - Removing previous screen from viewport
00:24:21,697 INFO ClientCore:603 - Pushing new screen
00:24:21,697 INFO ClientCore:605 - Adding new screen
00:24:21,726 INFO ClientCore:607 - Intializing new screen
00:24:21,726 INFO ClientCore:609 - Starting new screen
00:24:21,728 INFO ClientCore:612 - Validating new screen
00:24:21,728 INFO ClientCore:619 - Requesting focus for new screen
00:24:21,728 INFO ClientCore:622 - Requesting repaint
00:24:21,728 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1203 - Touching GameLoop
00:24:21,728 INFO WaitingGameScreen:1205 - Suspending operations
00:24:21,728 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +51
00:24:21,729 INFO GameLoop:375 - GameLoop has been started
00:24:21,763 INFO GameView:115 - Initialized GameView on D3DGraphicsDevice[screen=0] (1863319552 bytes of accelerated memory)
00:24:21,791 INFO GameLoop:418 - [SYNC] Skipping to 1 at 51
00:24:21,862 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:21,915 INFO GameLoop:418 - [SYNC] Skipping to 21 at 71
00:24:22,863 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:23,863 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:24,861 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:25,864 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:26,862 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:27,864 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:28,862 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:29,862 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:30,887 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:31,869 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:32,868 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:33,878 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:34,865 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:35,865 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:35,891 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:24:36,652 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 3 316
00:24:36,762 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 369 0 1 3 118
00:24:37,044 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 369 2 2 3 118
00:24:37,045 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 369 3 3 3 118
00:24:37,045 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 373 0 4 3 122
00:24:37,045 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 373 1 5 3 122
00:24:37,045 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 373 3 6 3 122
00:24:37,162 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 2 326
00:24:37,268 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 379 0 7 2 118
00:24:37,538 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 379 2 8 2 118
00:24:37,539 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 379 3 9 2 118
00:24:37,539 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 383 0 10 2 122
00:24:37,539 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 383 1 11 2 122
00:24:37,539 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 383 3 12 2 122
00:24:38,312 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 400 0 13 2 136
00:24:38,575 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 400 1 14 2 136
00:24:38,575 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 400 2 15 2 136
00:24:38,844 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 406 1 16 3 124
00:24:38,859 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 406 2 17 3 124
00:24:38,859 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 406 3 18 3 124
00:24:39,462 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 423 1 19 2 124
00:24:39,732 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 423 2 20 2 124
00:24:39,732 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 423 3 21 2 124
00:24:40,462 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:41,472 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:42,463 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:43,462 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:44,463 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:45,468 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:46,480 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:46,752 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 565 3 136 "TOWER1" 7,4 1
00:24:47,314 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 580 3 136 "TOWER1" 5,4 2
00:24:48,314 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:48,914 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 612 3 136 "TOWER1" 3,4 3
00:24:49,915 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:50,414 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 642 3 136 "TOWER1" 9,4 4
00:24:50,837 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:24:50,874 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: PING 1326237886274
00:24:50,874 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: PONG 1326237886274
00:24:51,413 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:51,679 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 664 0 124 "TOWER3" 9,9 5
00:24:52,513 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:52,645 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 3 637
00:24:52,764 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 689 0 22 3 118
00:24:53,026 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 689 2 23 3 118
00:24:53,027 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 689 3 24 3 118
00:24:53,564 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 705 3 2
00:24:54,564 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:24:54,830 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 730 3 3
00:24:55,564 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 745 2 122 "TOWER1" 4,6 6
00:24:55,832 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 749 3 1
00:24:56,164 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 757 2 122 "TOWER1" 4,8 7
00:24:56,914 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 772 2 122 "TOWER1" 4,10 8
00:24:57,177 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 776 3 4 4
00:24:57,192 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@180x80 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:24:57,765 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 789 2 122 "TOWER1" 6,10 9
00:24:58,302 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 799 3 2 4
00:24:58,336 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower11@100x80 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:24:58,574 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 800 2 122 "TOWER1" 6,8 10
00:24:58,574 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 802 3 3 4
00:24:58,587 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower11@60x80 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:24:58,838 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 807 0 5 4
00:24:58,889 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower3@180x180 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:24:59,101 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 812 3 1 4
00:24:59,136 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower11@140x80 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:24:59,365 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 821 2 122 "TOWER1" 6,6 11
00:25:00,265 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 839 2 122 "TOWER1" 3,8 12
00:25:00,605 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: MSG hö
00:25:00,681 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "EasyX" "hö" 0 0
00:25:01,264 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:01,532 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 862 2 6 4
00:25:01,543 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@80x120 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:02,092 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 875 2 11 4
00:25:02,093 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@120x120 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:02,661 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: MSG income spint
00:25:02,668 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 887 2 10 4
00:25:02,693 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@120x160 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:02,934 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "EasyX" "income spint" 0 0
00:25:03,205 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 894 2 9 4
00:25:03,243 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@120x200 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:03,471 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 897 2 8 4
00:25:03,494 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@80x200 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:03,752 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 903 2 7 4
00:25:03,794 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@80x160 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:04,130 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 916 2 12 4
00:25:04,145 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@60x160 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:04,397 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 919 0 124 "TOWER2" 11,9 13
00:25:05,266 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:05,846 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:25:05,952 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: MSG hab shcon 380
00:25:06,019 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "EasyX" "hab shcon 380" 0 0
00:25:06,300 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:07,266 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:07,537 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 983 0 124 "TOWER1" 11,7 14
00:25:07,816 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 990 0 124 "TOWER1" 9,7 15
00:25:08,815 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:09,315 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1020 0 124 "TOWER1" 9,5 16
00:25:09,514 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 8,11 0
00:25:09,620 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1026 1 118 "TOWER1" 8,11 17
00:25:09,916 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1032 0 124 "TOWER1" 11,5 18
00:25:09,957 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 10,11 0
00:25:10,066 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1035 1 118 "TOWER1" 10,11 19
00:25:10,385 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 12,11 0
00:25:10,472 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1043 1 118 "TOWER1" 12,11 20
00:25:10,787 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 12,12 0
00:25:10,868 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1051 1 118 "TOWER1" 12,12 21
00:25:11,103 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 10,12 0
00:25:11,216 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1058 1 118 "TOWER1" 10,12 22
00:25:11,395 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 8,12 0
00:25:11,465 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1063 1 118 "TOWER1" 8,12 23
00:25:11,730 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1067 0 124 "TOWER1" 12,7 24
00:25:12,211 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 10,9 0
00:25:12,316 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1080 1 118 "TOWER1" 10,9 25
00:25:12,385 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 8,9 0
00:25:13,315 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:13,465 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 6,9 0
00:25:13,469 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,484 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,487 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,490 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,499 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,500 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,519 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,522 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,537 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,548 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,552 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,556 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,566 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,585 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,586 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,586 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,601 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,606 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,608 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,614 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,617 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,618 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,620 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,626 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,632 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,634 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,642 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,654 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,655 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,656 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,668 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,688 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,689 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,692 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,702 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,704 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,716 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,718 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,732 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,734 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,747 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,750 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,760 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,790 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,790 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,792 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,806 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,808 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,820 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,840 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,845 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,868 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,890 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,893 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,910 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,924 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,944 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:13,987 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,008 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,041 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,087 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,110 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,116 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,139 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,142 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,156 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,158 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,169 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,173 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,194 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,198 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,204 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,208 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,224 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,226 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,237 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,297 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1119 0 24 4
00:25:14,353 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@240x140 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:14,538 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,638 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,640 WARNING GameContext:940 - Unable to build Tower: Not buildable
00:25:14,766 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1128 0 14 4
00:25:14,794 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@220x140 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:15,110 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1135 0 15 4
00:25:15,144 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@180x140 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:15,421 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1142 0 16 4
00:25:15,444 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@180x100 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:15,759 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1148 0 18 4
00:25:15,794 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@220x100 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:16,716 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:17,600 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 17 4 1136
00:25:17,663 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1186 1 17 4
00:25:17,674 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 23 4 1137
00:25:17,693 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@160x220 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:17,738 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1188 1 23 4
00:25:17,749 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@160x240 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:18,092 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 25 4 1145
00:25:18,157 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1196 1 25 4
00:25:18,192 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@200x180 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:18,395 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 19 4 1151
00:25:18,461 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1202 1 19 4
00:25:18,492 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@200x220 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:18,500 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 22 4 1153
00:25:18,565 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1204 1 22 4
00:25:18,592 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@200x240 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:18,749 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 21 4 1159
00:25:18,764 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 20 4 1159
00:25:18,813 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1209 1 21 4
00:25:18,843 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@240x240 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:18,879 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1211 1 20 4
00:25:18,892 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@240x220 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:19,466 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1223 0 25 3 122
00:25:19,723 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1223 1 26 3 122
00:25:19,723 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1223 3 27 3 122
00:25:19,723 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1224 1 118 "TOWER1" 8,9 26
00:25:20,416 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1242 1 28 1 124
00:25:20,686 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1242 2 29 1 124
00:25:20,687 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1242 3 30 1 124
00:25:20,844 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:25:20,954 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1250 1 118 "TOWER1" 6,9 27
00:25:20,954 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1250 0 31 1 122
00:25:20,954 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1250 1 32 1 122
00:25:20,954 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1250 3 33 1 122
00:25:21,817 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:22,817 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:23,701 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 6,11 0
00:25:23,818 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:23,954 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 6,12 0
00:25:24,021 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1310 1 118 "TOWER1" 6,11 28
00:25:24,021 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1310 0 34 4 136
00:25:24,021 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1310 1 35 4 136
00:25:24,021 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1310 2 36 4 136
00:25:24,021 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1311 0 37 3 122
00:25:24,021 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1311 1 38 3 122
00:25:24,021 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1311 3 39 3 122
00:25:24,286 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1315 1 118 "TOWER1" 6,12 29
00:25:25,069 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:25,207 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 4,11 0
00:25:25,317 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1340 1 118 "TOWER1" 4,11 30
00:25:26,114 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 4,9 0
00:25:26,217 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1358 1 118 "TOWER1" 4,9 31
00:25:26,747 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=118, creep=Fast Nova (2)
00:25:26,748 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 2 250 2 118 1318 0
00:25:26,786 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1369 2 118 2 3 19
00:25:26,943 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPRIGHT): original sender=122, creep=Fast Nova (5)
00:25:26,943 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 5 825 1 122 1322 0
00:25:26,943 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=122, creep=Fast Nova (6)
00:25:26,943 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 6 825 3 122 1322 0
00:25:27,009 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1369 2 2 118 2 3 250 1
00:25:27,010 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1373 1 122 5 3 19
00:25:27,010 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1373 1 1 122 5 3 825 1
00:25:27,076 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1374 3 122 6 3 19
00:25:27,076 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1374 3 3 122 6 3 825 1
00:25:27,493 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPLEFT): original sender=122, creep=Fast Nova (4)
00:25:27,493 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 4 950 0 122 1333 0
00:25:27,533 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1384 0 122 4 3 19
00:25:27,803 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1384 0 0 122 4 3 950 1
00:25:27,893 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPLEFT): original sender=118, creep=Fast Nova (1)
00:25:27,893 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 1 525 0 118 1341 0
00:25:27,960 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1392 0 118 1 3 18
00:25:27,960 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1392 0 0 118 1 3 525 1
00:25:28,109 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 30 4 1346
00:25:28,176 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1397 1 30 4
00:25:28,194 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@80x220 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:28,486 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 28 4 1353
00:25:28,554 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1404 1 28 4
00:25:28,593 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@120x220 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:28,593 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPRIGHT): original sender=124, creep=Fast Nova (16)
00:25:28,593 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 16 900 1 124 1355 0
00:25:28,593 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=124, creep=Fast Nova (17)
00:25:28,593 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 17 125 2 124 1355 0
00:25:28,594 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=124, creep=Fast Nova (18)
00:25:28,594 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 18 250 3 124 1355 0
00:25:28,658 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1406 1 124 16 3 18
00:25:28,658 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1406 1 1 124 16 3 900 1
00:25:28,724 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1407 2 124 17 3 18
00:25:28,724 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1407 2 2 124 17 3 125 1
00:25:28,724 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1407 3 124 18 3 18
00:25:28,725 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1407 3 3 124 18 3 250 1
00:25:28,808 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 29 4 1360
00:25:28,878 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1411 1 29 4
00:25:28,893 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@120x240 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:29,469 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 31 4 1373
00:25:29,539 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1424 1 31 4
00:25:29,543 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@80x180 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:29,698 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 27 4 1378
00:25:29,762 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1428 1 27 4
00:25:29,794 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@120x180 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:29,828 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 26 4 1380
00:25:29,895 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1431 1 26 4
00:25:29,943 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@160x180 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:31,049 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:31,867 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:31,870 INFO GameLoop:418 - [SYNC] Skipping to 1421 at 1471
00:25:32,869 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:33,168 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1497 1 40 2 124
00:25:33,430 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1497 2 41 2 124
00:25:33,431 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1497 3 42 2 124
00:25:33,431 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1497 0 43 2 122
00:25:33,431 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1497 1 44 2 122
00:25:33,431 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1497 3 45 2 122
00:25:34,167 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:34,767 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1529 1 46 3 124
00:25:35,035 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1529 2 47 3 124
00:25:35,036 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1529 3 48 3 124
00:25:35,767 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:35,820 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:25:36,032 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1550 2 122 "TOWER1" 4,12 32
00:25:36,301 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1558 1 49 3 124
00:25:36,302 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1558 2 50 3 124
00:25:36,302 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1558 3 51 3 124
00:25:37,182 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER1" 12,9 0
00:25:37,218 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:37,492 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1579 1 118 "TOWER1" 12,9 33
00:25:38,268 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:38,614 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1605 2 32 4
00:25:38,620 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@80x240 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:39,576 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:39,827 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CS 33 4 1580
00:25:39,893 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1631 1 33 4
00:25:39,921 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower1@240x180 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:25:40,869 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:41,468 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1663 3 136 "TOWER2" 5,6 34
00:25:42,169 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1677 3 136 "TOWER2" 3,3 35
00:25:42,720 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=118, creep=Fast Nova (23)
00:25:42,720 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 23 200 2 118 1638 0
00:25:42,721 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=118, creep=Fast Nova (24)
00:25:42,721 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 24 275 3 118 1638 0
00:25:42,787 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1689 2 118 23 3 17
00:25:42,857 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1689 2 2 118 23 3 200 1
00:25:43,121 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 1690 3 118 24 3 17
00:25:43,122 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 1690 3 3 118 24 3 275 1
00:25:43,343 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 4 1651
00:25:43,818 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:44,516 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 1723 0 5 1
00:25:44,526 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower3@180x180 to STRONGEST (locked=false)
00:25:45,168 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1737 0 52 1 136
00:25:45,437 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1737 1 53 1 136
00:25:45,438 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1737 2 54 1 136
00:25:45,438 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1740 0 55 1 136
00:25:45,438 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1740 1 56 1 136
00:25:45,438 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1740 2 57 1 136
00:25:45,701 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1745 0 58 1 136
00:25:45,701 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1745 1 59 1 136
00:25:45,701 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1745 2 60 1 136
00:25:45,985 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1748 0 61 1 136
00:25:45,985 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1748 1 62 1 136
00:25:45,985 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1748 2 63 1 136
00:25:46,719 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:47,703 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TS 1787 0 18 124
00:25:47,967 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1787 1 64 2 124
00:25:47,967 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1787 2 65 2 124
00:25:47,967 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1787 3 66 2 124
00:25:48,668 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:49,672 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:50,669 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:50,794 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:25:50,933 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1850 1 67 2 124
00:25:50,933 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1850 2 68 2 124
00:25:50,933 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1850 3 69 2 124
00:25:50,933 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1850 0 70 4 118
00:25:50,933 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1850 2 71 4 118
00:25:50,934 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1850 3 72 4 118
00:25:50,934 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1850 0 73 4 122
00:25:50,934 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1850 1 74 4 122
00:25:50,934 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 1850 3 75 4 122
00:25:50,934 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: PING 1326237946277
00:25:50,934 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: PONG 1326237946277
00:25:51,367 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: UT 19 1812
00:25:51,419 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 1862 0 124 "TOWER3" 11,5 36
00:25:51,682 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 1863 1 19
00:25:52,473 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:52,806 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 3 1841
00:25:53,213 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 2 1849
00:25:53,469 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:54,473 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:55,469 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:56,470 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:57,470 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:58,469 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:25:58,738 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2004 0 76 3 136
00:25:58,738 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2004 1 77 3 136
00:25:58,738 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2004 2 78 3 136
00:25:59,519 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:00,132 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2036 0 79 3 136
00:26:00,396 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2036 1 80 3 136
00:26:00,397 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2036 2 81 3 136
00:26:00,397 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2037 1 82 2 124
00:26:00,397 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2037 2 83 2 124
00:26:00,397 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2037 3 84 2 124
00:26:01,170 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:02,170 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:03,170 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:04,170 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:05,171 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:05,795 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:26:05,822 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 1 85 3 124
00:26:06,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 2 86 3 124
00:26:06,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 3 87 3 124
00:26:06,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 1 88 1 124
00:26:06,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 2 89 1 124
00:26:06,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 3 90 1 124
00:26:06,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 0 91 3 118
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 2 92 3 118
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 3 93 3 118
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 0 94 2 118
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 2 95 2 118
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 3 96 2 118
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 0 97 4 122
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 1 98 4 122
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 3 99 4 122
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 0 100 1 122
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 1 101 1 122
00:26:06,090 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2150 3 102 1 122
00:26:06,820 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:06,867 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 4 2122
00:26:07,820 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:08,727 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 2 2159
00:26:08,818 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:09,210 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 1 2169
00:26:09,820 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:10,819 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:11,819 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:12,009 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: MSG das income
00:26:12,074 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "EasyX" "das income" 0 0
00:26:12,820 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:13,819 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:14,820 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:15,937 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: MSG steigt viel zu schnell!!
00:26:15,937 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:16,004 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "EasyX" "steigt viel zu schnell!!" 0 0
00:26:16,433 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 2362 0 5 4
00:26:16,441 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower3@180x180 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:26:17,272 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TSC 2378 0 36 4
00:26:17,291 INFO Tower:469 - Chaning strategy of Tower3@220x100 to FARTHEST (locked=false)
00:26:18,220 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:19,220 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:20,222 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:20,793 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:26:20,823 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 1 103 3 124
00:26:21,087 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 2 104 3 124
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 3 105 3 124
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 1 106 3 124
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 2 107 3 124
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 3 108 3 124
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 0 109 4 118
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 2 110 4 118
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 3 111 4 118
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 0 112 2 118
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 2 113 2 118
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 3 114 2 118
00:26:21,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 0 115 1 118
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 2 116 1 118
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 3 117 1 118
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 0 118 4 122
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 1 119 4 122
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 3 120 4 122
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 0 121 2 122
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 1 122 2 122
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 3 123 2 122
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 0 124 1 122
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 1 125 1 122
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2450 3 126 1 122
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2451 1 127 2 124
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2451 2 128 2 124
00:26:21,089 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2451 3 129 2 124
00:26:21,364 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2456 0 130 3 136
00:26:21,364 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2456 1 131 3 136
00:26:21,364 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2456 2 132 3 136
00:26:21,639 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2463 0 133 3 136
00:26:21,639 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2463 1 134 3 136
00:26:21,639 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2463 2 135 3 136
00:26:21,639 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2464 0 136 1 122
00:26:21,639 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2464 1 137 1 122
00:26:21,639 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2464 3 138 1 122
00:26:21,906 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2469 0 139 3 136
00:26:21,906 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2469 1 140 3 136
00:26:21,906 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2469 2 141 3 136
00:26:22,172 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2474 0 142 3 136
00:26:22,172 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2474 1 143 3 136
00:26:22,172 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2474 2 144 3 136
00:26:23,020 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:24,020 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:25,022 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:26,028 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:26,141 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=124, creep=Fast Nova (50)
00:26:26,141 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 50 200 2 124 2507 0
00:26:26,229 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 2558 2 124 50 3 16
00:26:26,499 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 2558 2 2 124 50 3 200 1
00:26:27,220 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:28,221 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:29,221 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:30,222 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:31,222 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:32,221 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:33,221 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:33,830 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TS 2709 3 4 136
00:26:34,772 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:35,772 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:35,814 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:26:36,037 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 2750 2 7
00:26:36,037 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 2750 2 6
00:26:36,037 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 2750 2 11
00:26:36,037 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 2750 2 10
00:26:36,037 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 2750 2 9
00:26:36,039 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2750 0 145 3 136
00:26:36,040 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2750 1 146 3 136
00:26:36,040 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 2750 2 147 3 136
00:26:36,822 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:37,821 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:38,823 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:39,822 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:39,956 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: UT 17 2783
00:26:40,022 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 2834 1 17
00:26:41,023 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:41,368 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BC 5 2811
00:26:42,021 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:42,261 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=136, creep=Large Manta (36)
00:26:42,261 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 4 36 1850 2 136 2829 0
00:26:42,328 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 2880 2 136 36 4 15
00:26:42,602 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 2880 2 2 136 36 4 1850 1
00:26:42,602 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 2881 2 8
00:26:43,371 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:44,371 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:44,561 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPLEFT): original sender=136, creep=Large Manta (34)
00:26:44,561 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 4 34 450 0 136 2875 0
00:26:44,640 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 2926 0 136 34 4 17
00:26:44,709 INFO Tower:538 - Informing Server: Sell Tower1@200x180
00:26:44,709 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: ST 25 2878
00:26:44,775 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 2926 0 0 136 34 4 450 1
00:26:45,038 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TS 2929 1 25 118
00:26:45,771 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:46,778 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:47,772 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:48,223 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER3" 10,9 0
00:26:48,773 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:49,772 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:50,782 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:50,796 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:26:51,054 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 3050 0 36
00:26:51,054 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3050 0 148 4 122
00:26:51,054 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3050 1 149 4 122
00:26:51,054 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3050 3 150 4 122
00:26:51,054 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 3050 3 136 "TOWER3" 9,4 37
00:26:51,054 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3050 0 151 3 136
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3050 1 152 3 136
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3050 2 153 3 136
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3051 0 154 5 118
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3051 2 155 5 118
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3051 3 156 5 118
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3051 0 157 3 136
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3051 1 158 3 136
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3051 2 159 3 136
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: PING 1326238006280
00:26:51,055 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: PONG 1326238006280
00:26:51,874 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:52,873 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:53,873 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:54,879 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:55,742 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=118, creep=Fast Nova (92)
00:26:55,742 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 92 1050 2 118 3099 0
00:26:55,813 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3149 2 118 92 3 14
00:26:56,077 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3149 2 2 118 92 3 1050 1
00:26:56,773 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:57,772 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:58,775 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:26:59,241 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=124, creep=Fast Nova (87)
00:26:59,241 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 87 375 3 124 3169 0
00:26:59,335 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3220 3 124 87 3 16
00:26:59,595 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3220 3 3 124 87 3 375 1
00:27:00,322 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:01,324 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:02,324 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:02,559 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: BT "TOWER5" 4,13 0
00:27:03,335 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:04,326 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:05,322 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:05,821 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:27:05,826 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 1 160 4 124
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 2 161 4 124
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 3 162 4 124
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 1 163 3 124
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 2 164 3 124
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 3 165 3 124
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 1 166 2 124
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 2 167 2 124
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 3 168 2 124
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 3350 1 118 "TOWER3" 10,9 38
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 0 169 4 122
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 1 170 4 122
00:27:06,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 3 171 4 122
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 0 172 3 122
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 1 173 3 122
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 3 174 3 122
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 0 175 3 136
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 1 176 3 136
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 2 177 3 136
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 0 178 1 136
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 1 179 1 136
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3350 2 180 1 136
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3351 1 181 2 124
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3351 2 182 2 124
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3351 3 183 2 124
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3351 0 184 1 122
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3351 1 185 1 122
00:27:06,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3351 3 186 1 122
00:27:06,879 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:07,341 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TS 3380 0 5 124
00:27:07,829 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TS 3389 0 15 124
00:27:08,163 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TS 3396 0 16 124
00:27:08,892 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TS 3411 0 14 124
00:27:09,243 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TS 3418 0 24 124
00:27:09,271 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPRIGHT): original sender=122, creep=Large Manta (74)
00:27:09,271 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 4 74 25 1 122 3369 0
00:27:09,271 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=118, creep=Large Manta (71)
00:27:09,271 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 4 71 775 2 118 3369 0
00:27:09,339 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3420 1 122 74 4 17
00:27:09,609 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3420 1 1 122 74 4 25 1
00:27:09,610 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3421 2 118 71 4 13
00:27:09,610 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3421 2 2 118 71 4 775 1
00:27:09,610 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3422 0 187 1 122
00:27:09,610 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3422 1 188 1 122
00:27:09,610 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3422 3 189 1 122
00:27:09,876 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TS 3429 0 13 124
00:27:10,771 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPRIGHT): original sender=124, creep=Fast Nova (106)
00:27:10,771 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 106 150 1 124 3399 0
00:27:10,771 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=124, creep=Fast Nova (107)
00:27:10,771 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 107 350 2 124 3399 0
00:27:10,783 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:10,852 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3450 1 124 106 3 16
00:27:10,852 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3450 1 1 124 106 3 150 1
00:27:11,020 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=122, creep=Large Manta (75)
00:27:11,021 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 4 75 1875 3 122 3404 0
00:27:11,071 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPRIGHT): original sender=136, creep=Fast Nova (131)
00:27:11,071 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 131 1000 1 136 3405 0
00:27:11,071 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=136, creep=Fast Nova (132)
00:27:11,071 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 132 800 2 136 3405 0
00:27:11,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3451 2 124 107 3 12
00:27:11,088 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3451 2 2 124 107 3 350 1
00:27:11,155 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3455 3 122 75 4 15
00:27:11,155 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3455 3 3 122 75 4 1875 1
00:27:11,155 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3456 1 136 131 3 15
00:27:11,156 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3456 1 1 136 131 3 1000 1
00:27:11,420 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPRIGHT): original sender=136, creep=Fast Nova (134)
00:27:11,421 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 134 1025 1 136 3412 0
00:27:11,421 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=136, creep=Fast Nova (135)
00:27:11,421 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 135 1200 2 136 3412 0
00:27:11,437 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3456 2 136 132 3 11
00:27:11,437 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3456 2 2 136 132 3 800 1
00:27:11,514 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3463 1 136 134 3 14
00:27:11,514 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3463 1 1 136 134 3 1025 1
00:27:11,721 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPRIGHT): original sender=136, creep=Fast Nova (140)
00:27:11,721 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 140 1025 1 136 3418 0
00:27:11,721 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=136, creep=Fast Nova (141)
00:27:11,722 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 141 800 2 136 3418 0
00:27:11,760 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: UT 38 3419
00:27:11,777 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3464 2 136 135 3 10
00:27:11,777 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3464 2 2 136 135 3 1200 1
00:27:11,842 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3469 1 136 140 3 13
00:27:11,842 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3469 1 1 136 140 3 1025 1
00:27:11,970 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.TOPRIGHT): original sender=136, creep=Fast Nova (143)
00:27:11,970 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 143 1100 1 136 3423 0
00:27:11,970 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMRIGHT): original sender=136, creep=Fast Nova (144)
00:27:11,970 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 144 1250 2 136 3423 0
00:27:12,041 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3470 2 136 141 3 9
00:27:12,041 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3470 2 2 136 141 3 800 1
00:27:12,112 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3474 1 136 143 3 12
00:27:12,112 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3474 1 1 136 143 3 1100 1
00:27:12,112 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3475 2 136 144 3 8
00:27:12,112 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3475 2 2 136 144 3 1250 1
00:27:13,081 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:13,320 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=118, creep=Large Manta (72)
00:27:13,320 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 4 72 1975 3 118 3450 0
00:27:13,391 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3501 3 118 72 4 14
00:27:13,653 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3501 3 3 118 72 4 1975 1
00:27:13,670 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=124, creep=Fast Nova (108)
00:27:13,670 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 108 50 3 124 3457 0
00:27:13,749 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3508 3 124 108 3 13
00:27:14,017 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3508 3 3 124 108 3 50 1
00:27:14,270 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=124, creep=Fast Nova (105)
00:27:14,270 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 3 105 650 3 124 3469 0
00:27:14,348 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3520 3 124 105 3 12
00:27:14,612 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3520 3 3 124 105 3 650 1
00:27:15,327 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:16,336 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:17,325 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:18,324 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:19,324 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:19,588 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "dornroeschen" "xD" 0 0
00:27:20,334 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:20,797 INFO GameLoop:562 - Handing out new income...
00:27:20,824 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 1 190 4 124
00:27:21,092 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 2 191 4 124
00:27:21,093 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 3 192 4 124
00:27:21,094 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 1 193 3 124
00:27:21,094 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 2 194 3 124
00:27:21,094 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 3 195 3 124
00:27:21,094 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 1 196 2 124
00:27:21,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 2 197 2 124
00:27:21,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 3 198 2 124
00:27:21,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 1 199 1 124
00:27:21,095 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 2 200 1 124
00:27:21,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: CB 3650 3 201 1 124
00:27:21,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 3650 0 124 "TOWER1" 11,11 42
00:27:21,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 3650 1 118 "TOWER5" 4,13 41
00:27:21,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 3650 2 122 "TOWER3" 4,4 39
00:27:21,096 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 3650 3 37
00:27:21,097 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TB 3650 3 136 "TOWER2" 11,4 40
00:27:21,097 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 3650 3 1
00:27:21,097 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TU 3650 3 2
00:27:21,823 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:22,589 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "dornroeschen" "ich kann nich bauen" 0 0
00:27:22,857 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:23,824 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:24,740 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=124, creep=Mako (129)
00:27:24,740 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 2 129 25 3 124 3679 0
00:27:24,825 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:25,094 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3730 3 124 129 2 11
00:27:25,094 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3730 3 3 124 129 2 25 1
00:27:25,291 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=122, creep=Mako (123)
00:27:25,291 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 2 123 150 3 122 3690 0
00:27:25,384 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3741 3 122 123 2 10
00:27:25,436 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: MSG bei mri geht nix
00:27:25,508 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: TC 3741 3 3 122 123 2 150 1
00:27:25,777 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "EasyX" "bei mri geht nix" 0 0
00:27:26,066 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: MSG ^^
00:27:26,131 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "EasyX" "^^" 0 0
00:27:26,395 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: MSG "Runerrun" "es baut icht upgradfet nicht" 0 0
00:27:26,404 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: +20
00:27:26,540 INFO AbstractCreep:697 - Voting to remove life from GameContext(com.creeptd.common.constants.ContextLocations.BOTTOMLEFT): original sender=122, creep=Large Manta (99)
00:27:26,541 INFO Uplink:251 - C->S: CE 4 99 1575 3 122 3715 0
00:27:26,618 INFO Uplink:173 - S->C: LL 3765 3 122 99 4 9[/spoiler]


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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 11.01.2012, 15:45

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Glaub ich hab nen Problem

ich starte Creeptd also den Testserver und kann mich auch einloggen

seh rechts aber keine Spielerliste.. nichtmal mein Spielname aber ich kann nen Game öffnen und spielen

Öhhm was tun?
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Post 11.01.2012, 15:45

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Gerade behoben :)
Think it, design it, build it, run it. That's what I do.


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Post 11.01.2012, 15:55

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Beta 4, Updates:
- The credits and income information box is now a double buffered component and shows changes immediately
- Server-side income and credits calculation has been corrected
Think it, design it, build it, run it. That's what I do.


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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 11.01.2012, 16:23

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Man kann tower nur mit shortcuts anwählen!
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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 11.01.2012, 16:42

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Senden der Creeps ebenso
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Post 11.01.2012, 16:43

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Behoben, das muss mir beim Update der Sidebar durchgegangen sein ^^
Think it, design it, build it, run it. That's what I do.


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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 11.01.2012, 16:46

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

In Runde 10 habe ich im Modus AvA schon 1000 Einkommen. Seltsam.
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Speedy Raider
Speedy Raider

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Post 11.01.2012, 16:55

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Die slows funktionieren nicht richtig!
Ein weißer slow kann z.B. keinen einzelnen raptor komplett slowen, auch wenn er die ganze Zeit schießt!


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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 11.01.2012, 17:01

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

(136.55 KiB) Downloaded 31 times

1. Loading Map 2x fehl geschlagen
2. Dann 20 Sek blackscreen
3. Incomebug^^

Have fuuun
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Post 11.01.2012, 17:37

Re: CreepTD 1.0 - Beta Bug Ticker

Beta 4-2:
- Tried to fix income bug when playing with more than 2 players
- Tried to fix blackscreen bug on game start
- Tried to fix download bug on game start
- Some UI fixes
Think it, design it, build it, run it. That's what I do.

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