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Player controlled survival mode creep attack?



Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 05.01.2012, 17:16

Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

This could be fun: one player sends creeps, rest will play it.

I think its fun because the game will be perfectly balanced, fair game, everyone has equal chance to win.

If the player quits who sends creeps, a dead player or spectator could take his place. If no player took his place, it would continue with the normal surival mode attack algorithm.

The survival mode is quite boring because you can guess very well how it plays, so you dont need to defend very intellectually.


Post 05.01.2012, 17:16

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?



Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 05.01.2012, 17:24

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

:idea: :!:


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Post 05.01.2012, 17:30

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

Sounds interesting, but the Problem may be that you can kill a specific player by sending for example a Phoenix...


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 05.01.2012, 17:32

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

This suggestion has already been made - but the sending player could influence the games result very hard. Furthermore would teamplaying be very easy.


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 05.01.2012, 17:34

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

krunx wrote:Sounds ineresting, but the Problem may be that I can kill a specific Player by sendin for example a Phoenix...

Why is that a problem? isnt that the point: to kill the players? LOL.

manuel wrote:This suggestion has already been made - but the sending player could influence the games result very hard. Furthermore would teamplaying be very easy.

Thats the point: harder games! how could teamplaying be easy? everyone gets the same creeps.


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 05.01.2012, 17:37

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

One person(the sending one) can be in chat or skype with one of the others and tell him, when he'll send which creeps.


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 05.01.2012, 17:37

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

Klar kann der 5. Spieler Partei ergreifen und seine Angriffe auf jemand gezielt zuschneiden, aber ich finde wer davor Angst hätte könnte doch einfach diesen Modus meiden. Ist nicht für 1.0 ja . . weil zuviele Modi usw. aber später unbedingt eine Überlegung wert.
Allein die Möglichkeit damit verschiedene Defaufbauten zu testen bei exakt dem selben input an Creeps find ich grandios.
Würde den Survivor Mod deutlcih aufppeppen weil so wirklich das ersichtlich werden würde wer unter "normalbedingungen" am besten verteidigen kann!

It would be nice to get this in 1.x+ if there are enaugh players for an new game mode. I would like it because of the possibility to find the realy best ways to defend attacks from players like in other game modes.


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 05.01.2012, 17:41

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

manuel wrote:One person(the sending one) can be in chat or skype with one of the others and tell him, when he'll send which creeps.

Thats already possible, why should we not add this mode just because someone will cheat on it? Someone will ALWAYS cheat on something... we shouldnt restrict game features because of that IMO.

Its not like everyone will think: HEHEHE I GO ON SKYPE AND TELL MY FRIEND TO WIN! i mean, really? must be very low person... why would anyone want to do that anyways... he is just one guy who sends, doesnt do anything else: he doesnt even get score. so all he does is wastes his time on that game just to get +5 score for his friend??

Edit: if its that important, we could add a possibility to kick out the sender, and switch it to someone else!


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 05.01.2012, 17:50

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

Ich finde sehr groß wäre der Vorteil der Absprache gar nicht . . . ein guter Spieler kriegt schon in etwa mit was kommen wird und kann viel effizienter deffen, da ist es egal wenn einer schon weiß was kommt wenn dieser nicht wirklich gut abschätzen kann wie er es am besten defft. Wenns geht baut er dann noch def zu früh und stirbt wegen zu wenig Income am Ende früher.

Eine möglichkeit die vieleicht noch gehen würde:
Wie wärs mit der Möglichkeit Angriffe aufzuzeichenen und so eine Datenbank von angriffen zu erstellen aus der man dann wählen kann und für jeden Angriff könnte man extra Bestenlisten machen wie weit jemand kommt. Wenn man diese Option auf die Offiziellen Maps beschränkt wäre es überschaubar, dazu nur ein Angriff pro Map und Spieler und nicht unbedintg von jedem Spieler nur von denen die bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen. Wäre lustig zu sehen schon allein welcher angriff schwerer zu deffen ist, also wo die Spieler nicht so lange überleben.

What about save Attacks from players like Replays(Just for Official Maps) and use them instead of a bot.


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 05.01.2012, 17:58

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

EasyX wrote:What about save Attacks from players like Replays(Just for Official Maps) and use them instead of a bot.

That would be more boring than the current bot method IMO. Although, i find it could be fun too: to try to make perfect defense... but i wouldnt like that mode as much as the player controlled thing ^^


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 05.01.2012, 19:52

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

I got another idea for preventing the cheating: as it shows already: "prepare for our elites", this could also be done for player controlled: if the player is sending lots of spam, it will say "prepare for a wave" etc.


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Large Manta
Large Manta

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Post 10.01.2012, 15:27

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

führt diesen mod doch einfach ohne eine punkteverteillung ein, also wie survivor alleine.
How would it be if this mode will simply be inserted as a funmode without skillpoints?


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 10.01.2012, 15:42

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

501 wrote:führt diesen mod doch einfach ohne eine punkteverteillung ein, also wie survivor alleine.
How would it be if this mode will simply be inserted as a funmode without skillpoints?

what do you mean... i think this would be harder than normal bot controlled survival.


Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 10.01.2012, 20:28

Re: Player controlled survival mode creep attack?

501 wrote:führt diesen mod doch einfach ohne eine punkteverteillung ein, also wie survivor alleine.
How would it be if this mode will simply be inserted as a funmode without skillpoints?

:!: Zum testen wer besser deffen kann :mrgreen:

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