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New mode for PvP and Survive + specrate




Posts: 5

Joined: 20.03.2014, 21:20

Post 24.03.2014, 04:49

New mode for PvP and Survive + specrate

I am just wondering if is possible to do for players to join specrate game in progress (like you mate playing long pvp and you are bored watching lobby. So now you can easy join to watch his play).

Also i remember on one old TD were were creeps buffed/nerfed by Indicator boss(immortal).
i am not sure of the math but there was some %, and ofc who delivered more damage to indicator he had creeps with lower HP than other players.
Its immposible and nearly kill player by bored waiting every round on ind. here.
So i think it can be like...

rounds: (ind. by color buffing their own - spawning automaticly)
1 - ind. green
5 - ind. white
10 - ind. blue
15 - ind. red
20 - ind. green
and over again +5 +kind (+tier, can be interesting)

(empty battlefield for focusing towers to boss. in late game it can be frustrating - must be figured out...
maybe waiting 20s(or 15s) before and after.. so instead 15s rounds 5,6,10,11,25,16 are 35s(30s))

I imagine that this buffed creeps are spawning with regular creeps like normally.

Buffing example:
racing mamba (t3-blue)
ind. damage done 0 = 500'000
HP ...............100% = 500'000
ind. damage done 500k = +100'000hp (=20%)
HP ............... 100% = 500'000hp
buffed ........... 120% = 600'000hp

And here can be applied new tower "debuffing tower" which wipe out creeps buffs (regen.,speed,imunity)
Cant remove hp boosts from bosses. Only available in this mod because it can be way too over powered.(or after some balance added to regular games)

t1 - cost : 50'000-80'000
deals no dmg
debuff time per target: 1s
fire rate: 2s(cd)

t2 - cost : 100k-160k
deals no dmg
debuff time : 1,2s
fire rate: 2s(cd)

t3 - cost : 200k-320k
deals no dmg
debuff time : 1,5s direct
fire rate: 2s(cd)
+aoe radius : 25
aoe debuff time : 50%

This can be mini mode for the bigger ones.. Surv. BH,Combos. PvP modes.. specially nice in sent to...

in sent to... can be set random spawn indicators collors like :
P1 get blue ind. P2 white
P3 green P4 blue

Ok we are on the end and i am sure that i wrote something wrong or i forget on something.


Post 24.03.2014, 04:49

Re: New mode for PvP and Survive + specrate

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