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Replay library / media player



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Speedy Raider
Speedy Raider

Posts: 197

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Post 28.10.2013, 18:51

Replay library / media player

Since many are now sharing their replays on the forums i think it would be alot easier to have the replay file on each respective permanent game webpage.
Ofcourse you would need to be a pro do download it.
Some sort of media player to watch the replays would be nice to. People would have the hability to pause or skip some parts
I don't do drugs. I am drugs.


Post 28.10.2013, 18:51

Re: Replay library / media player




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Joined: 09.09.2013, 00:14

Post 28.10.2013, 21:26

Re: Replay library / media player

Oh I havent seen your thread. I just submitted a similar thread haha.
Well yeah a media player would be really cool where you could pause or skip parts but I guess it would be tons of work to program such a player, unfortunately :(


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Post 04.11.2013, 03:42

Re: Replay library / media player

Currently, replays are not recorded on the server side for performance reasons, but it would of course be possible to do that somehow. I agree that it would be cool, but when I started the replay feature I also liked the idea of the community sharing replays between each other and I secretly hoped that someone would create a fan-driven replay database where everyone interested could upload their replays. At least that's the reason for making the replay format public ;)
Think it, design it, build it, run it. That's what I do.

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