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[Bug] 2vs2 Coop Creep-Sending



Racing Mamba
Racing Mamba

Posts: 558

Joined: 12.08.2011, 05:22

Post 31.01.2012, 19:53

[Bug] 2vs2 Coop Creep-Sending


Since this Bug exists for quite a while, im gonna post it here. People say, dcode knows about it, but im not sure if he really does ^^

When playing 2 vs 2 coop (at least on blueworld), everything works fine for the first couple of rounds...

But after some time, roughly at an income of 1000 when the first demeters come, the creeps i send start getting delayd.
They always get sent ~1 second before the end of the round, no matter if i send em at 14 seconds left or 2 seconds left.

Also, the income increases only ~1 second before round end.

Needless to say, this bug makes combos impossible, and if i send, say, 3 sharks which 1 second delay each, they all appear in the same moment so
1) you cant see its 3, it looks like 1
2) they get bombed down by rocket towers since they all have the same position

also, it seems that sometimes creeps dont get sent at all. (but maybe they were just in the same spot, im not 100% sure)

this bug is pretty annoying, since i love the 2vs2 coop mode, but this makes it almost unplayable.

sorry, cant post a logfile, cause i cant get my java console to open :/


Post 31.01.2012, 19:53

Re: [Bug] 2vs2 Coop Creep-Sending




Posts: 379

Joined: 17.08.2011, 11:11

Location: Oberbayern

Post 31.01.2012, 19:55

Re: [Bug] 2vs2 Coop Creep-Sending

I have got the same problem,but not always,sometimes that happens to me too.^^
How Aleqqqs already said,it makes combos impossible.



Posts: 11

Joined: 23.01.2012, 18:57

Post 01.02.2012, 02:42

Re: [Bug] 2vs2 Coop Creep-Sending

I have the same delay on sending creeps many times as well. Haven't payed close enough attention to notice if it's 1 second before round end or not but have noticed they take a while to send.

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