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Any FAQs on helping with income?




Posts: 11

Joined: 23.01.2012, 18:57

Post 28.01.2012, 14:48

Any FAQs on helping with income?

I'm new to the game, love it. But I struggle with income. At the start of the game, other players seem to increase their incomes at a substantial rate faster than I can. What is the best/good way to increase it?


Post 28.01.2012, 14:48

Re: Any FAQs on helping with income?



Express Raptor
Express Raptor

Posts: 1978

Joined: 09.07.2011, 12:25


Post 28.01.2012, 14:53

Re: Any FAQs on helping with income?

Send a lot of creeps and defend as less as possible. And if the map is long enough, sell some towers if the other players send no creeps.



Posts: 114

Joined: 18.05.2012, 07:25

Post 22.06.2012, 05:33

Re: Any FAQs on helping with income?

Ghosted wrote:I'm new to the game, love it. But I struggle with income. At the start of the game, other players seem to increase their incomes at a substantial rate faster than I can. What is the best/good way to increase it?

Incase any other new members are reading this, you might mistake them working together or saving.

The key thing in the beginning is not to save. If they are saving you can get a higher income as long as you are defending well.(less towers more upgrades)(and tower settings)

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