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CreepTD has been ruined!




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Joined: 27.07.2012, 22:47

Post 12.10.2012, 05:15

CreepTD has been ruined!

Why did they make it so income in 2v2 Coop is shared with your partner? This is a TERRIBLE idea, and will more than likely be a reason for me not playing this game anymore. 2v2 Coop was my favorite playlist, and one of the only ones I played. Now it is stupid, and ruined.


Post 12.10.2012, 05:15

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!




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Post 13.10.2012, 03:04

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!

i feel with you, it was a nice strategy to share att/def or decide one att and one def (both was possible an successful)

But the new mode is nice, too ... we need a second 2vs2 coop mode :D



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Post 21.10.2012, 23:09

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!

I just want to join to this complain. Me and Fofonov (another player whith whom I always play) love to play 2 vs 2 coop, it's the only reason because of which we have chosen this online TD instead of any other around on the internet. The new system ruin the teamwork, completly. I was even considering to purchase the PRO account but, for now, we both are leaving until the old system is back or a new one is developed that favors teamwork. We're moving back to minecraft online ^^.
Good luck everybody!


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Post 21.10.2012, 23:37

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!

The income sharing has already been reverted with 1.1 RC 12. Every player has his own income again!

See: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1350&start=40#p18292
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Express Raptor
Express Raptor

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Post 21.10.2012, 23:40

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!

read the last update notes. . . income sharing is out

and show me any other TD out there with a good pvp mode :roll: i think there is no one



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Post 22.10.2012, 22:15

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!

What we want is the oposite to separated incomes, we want to have the same income both of the same team in 2vs2 coop. We tryed once again today, as I said, goodbye until the good old system is back.


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 24.10.2012, 13:58

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!

I think the new income system is really bad if your ally is a noob who doesnt send anything. Before i was able to play with a noob ally, because he was still able to defend at the point when i had enough income to take over and he naturally ragequits so i can take over all the towers to myself.

Currently if you have a noob ally, its almost impossible to win, because the income is shared: if enemy doenst have noob ally, they will have double of the income very fast and you have no chances at all. And even if your ally starts sending creeps at some point, its already too late because enemies already have huge income compared to you, and it just keeps getting huger every round, and thus is impossible to win.

All in all, the current way works only in very balanced games, but i have played such games only once a year so far.



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Post 23.11.2012, 05:34

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!

BUt doesn't shareing a income give you more income? Cause I mean like if you and your parter put creeps together you have more income? BUt still I prefer the one when you just keep the income yourself. And I do Kinda like the shareing your income part. 8-)
Im made to be a assassin.


Big Toucan
Big Toucan

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Post 23.11.2012, 17:32

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!

shadowgod828 wrote:BUt doesn't shareing a income give you more income? Cause I mean like if you and your parter put creeps together you have more income? BUt still I prefer the one when you just keep the income yourself. And I do Kinda like the shareing your income part. 8-)


Player 1 gets 50% income.
Player 2 gets 50% income.

50%+50% = 100%

So, they get together as much income as 1 player would get in non-coop game!


Currently the coop games gives you 100% income though (not shared), so no problems anymore!



Posts: 17

Joined: 08.10.2012, 04:49

Location: Edmonton AB

Post 04.12.2012, 04:56

Re: CreepTD has been ruined!

Oh. I didn't know that...
Im made to be a assassin.

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