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xorion's HQ

35 XP • 1011 Skill (sdng) • 13 victories • 10 defeats

Maps I like


Maps I dislike


Modes played
Maps played
TRICKY 6 times
4STOPS 2 times
EMERALD 1 times

xorion's achievements 5 / 108


Veteran Scars

Play a certain amount of games overall.


The second is the first loser

Reach a certain amount of wins overall.


Hasta la vista, baby!

Terminate quite a number of creeps in a single game.


The condemned live longer

Win with just a fraction of the income of every opponent (at least 2 opponents, in percent).

xorion's games (9)

XP history
Skill history
Game name Played at Map Game mode Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Points
» Partie de Vack Dec 20th, 13:01 4STOPS Survivor 2. Vack 3. Shuu 4. xorion 1. b3rt +0 / -25
» Partie de Vack Dec 20th, 12:36 4STOPS Survivor 1. Vack 3. Shuu 2. xorion - +3 / -4
» Bite Dec 19th, 18:26 TRICKY Survivor 4. Vack 3. jakline 2. xorion 1. b3rt +4 / +16
» Bite Dec 19th, 18:06 TRICKY Survivor 4. Vack 2. jakline 1. xorion 3. paloulefou +8 / +25
» Bite Dec 19th, 17:44 EMERALD Survivor 2. Vack 3. jakline 4. xorion 1. paloulefou +0 / -35
» Bite Dec 19th, 17:28 TRICKY Survivor 3. Vack 2. jakline 1. xorion 4. paloulefou +8 / +27
» Bite Dec 19th, 17:09 TRICKY Survivor 1. Vack 3. jakline 2. xorion - +3 / -2
» BITE Dec 19th, 17:04 TRICKY Survivor 3. Vack 1. jakline 2. xorion - +3 / +0
» Walou ! Dec 19th, 16:54 TRICKY Survivor 3. Vack 2. jakline 1. xorion - +6 / +20