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abcdefghi44's HQ

62 XP • 1060 Skill (sdng) • 24 victories • 11 defeats

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Modes played
Maps played
ATOMIC 13 times

abcdefghi44's achievements 6 / 108


Hasta la vista, baby!

Terminate quite a number of creeps in a single game.


Veteran Scars

Play a certain amount of games overall.


The second is the first loser

Reach a certain amount of wins overall.


Bob the builder

Construct a certain amount of towers overall.


The sky is the limit

Reach a certain income round in a Survivor game on a 16x16 map with an AI difficulty of at least medium.

abcdefghi44's games (13)

XP history
Skill history
Game name Played at Map Game mode Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Points
» Game of abcdefghi44 Oct 7th, 13:20 ATOMIC Survivor 4. abcdefghi44 2. ikachang 3. Noface 1. Grubi +0 / -42
» Game of abcdefghi44 Oct 6th, 16:26 ATOMIC Survivor 2. abcdefghi44 3. ericgleek 1. zifex 4. schnuffi +4 / +9
» Game of abcdefghi44 Oct 4th, 17:02 ATOMIC Survivor 1. abcdefghi44 2. dago2000 3. Genloc 4. karoliiis2 +8 / +22
» Game of abcdefghi44 Oct 3rd, 20:09 ATOMIC Survivor 1. abcdefghi44 3. Arth 2. JasUnicon 4. BreezzyyB +8 / +19
» Game of abcdefghi44 Oct 2nd, 16:33 ATOMIC Survivor 3. abcdefghi44 4. LeBigSnitzle 2. buxenhunter 1. Phantasia +2 / -5
» Game of abcdefghi44 Oct 1st, 20:28 ATOMIC Survivor 4. abcdefghi44 3. Hactarus 2. lol24 1. o0Shakes0o +0 / -38
» Game of abcdefghi44 Oct 1st, 16:40 ATOMIC Survivor 1. abcdefghi44 3. Trillian666 2. tim21 - +6 / +18
» Game of abcdefghi44 Sep 29th, 19:46 ATOMIC Survivor 1. abcdefghi44 3. Atka 2. RedE30 4. rothix +8 / +29
» Game of abcdefghi44 Sep 29th, 17:18 ATOMIC Survivor 3. abcdefghi44 2. sebors18 4. HCS 1. moepmoep +2 / -6
» Game of abcdefghi44 Sep 29th, 15:22 ATOMIC Survivor 1. abcdefghi44 2. epicur 3. vandall 4. DaveTheGreat +8 / +47
» Game of abcdefghi44 Sep 28th, 19:39 ATOMIC Survivor 1. abcdefghi44 3. AngerF 2. Suirtimed 4. Fabianski +8 / +34
» Game of abcdefghi44 Sep 28th, 15:55 ATOMIC Survivor 1. abcdefghi44 4. sp4mer 2. lucss 3. evapi +8 / +33
» Game of abcdefghi44 Sep 27th, 17:10 ATOMIC Survivor 3. abcdefghi44 1. Petarda123 2. mirj - +0 / -19