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About CreepSmash

Once upon a time, CreepTD started as the next level of CreepSmash, a project of ten students at the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart (University of Applied Sciences) supervised by Dr. Prof. Gerhard Wanner.

Unfortunately, when the project ended, further development freezed also. Later on, contex, a freelance developer dedicated to the game, took over the project and began to add essential functionality required to maintain the game as is. However, it came that also contex lost his interest in developing the game in the middle of a huge code update, so that CreepSmash development freezed somewhen in 2009. From then on, krunx led the community including the forums together with the remaining moderators and, fortunately, they kept the game active over time.

In 2011, dcode, a developer at virtunity media and computer science student with focus on media informatics at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (University of Applied Sciences), stumbled upon the game when told by friends that it's really cool. Not much later he aimed at compiling a local network version of the game to play together with other nerdy folks but once supplied with the latest but incomplete sources by krunx, started fixing the game from the ground up. A few weeks later, CreepTD was born and released in version 0.7.0 (the 0.X branch). Together with other community members dedicated to the game, he added all those features requested over time including an applet version of the game, single player Survivor mode, game spectators, the first team game mode, a revamped UI, many cool maps created by the community, a real website including game statistics, a full blown manual, the developer central, lots of useful fixes and much more.

So it comes that today, the game has been released in version 1.0, which is a complete code rewrite (the 1.X branch) and that includes completely new animated graphics, an advanced map tree parser featuring alternative paths, multiple start and end segments plus the possibility to create underground segments, new game modes also for coop games, a centralized map directory and much more.

Original CreepSmash screenshots

CreepSmash lobby   CreepSmash game

Original CreepSmash site and forums

CreepSmash site   CreepSmash forum

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