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Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 16:05
by Bianca1989
Ich poste diese MAP für aleqqqs



Re: Vintage / MAP von aleqqqs

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 16:11
by indeX
Es fehlen:

Bildupload im Forum!
Ein Ziparchiv mit Mapdatei und Bild!

Ich verweise nun zum dritten Mal auf diesen Post: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=168

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 16:32
by Bianca1989
Okay die Sachen kommen noch die du so schön in ROT geschrieben hast.

Zum zweiten: Wieso änderst du den Topic Namen? Oder wer war das? Habe das extra noch geschrieben damit man gleich weiss von wem die Map ist..

Zum dritten: leicht provokant..
"Unvollständigkeit ist eine Sache die verzeiht man ein bis zwei mal!"

Aber gut, wie oben erwähnt kommt noch.

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 16:36
by domitmn
mother_vintage.jpg (133.23 KiB) Viewed 1503 times

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 16:38
by dcode
Seems legit ^^

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 16:44
by indeX
Das Forum wurde vereinheitlicht, sprich jeder Mappost wurde in Mapname und Kartengröße geändert.. du kannst gerne das gesamte Forum durchgehen ;)

Der Pfad sieht ziemlich gleich aus. :D

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 17:28
by Pezinator
Design finde ich toll. Aber die Map ist für mich leider gestorben, da der Pfad wirklich beinahe eins zu eins Mothership ist

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 17:52
by ALT
Can i ask why you post for aleqqqs is he banned or something? why doesnt he post himself?!

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 19:51
by krunx
He is not banned. He does not want to use the forum.

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 03.06.2012, 23:26
by ALT
krunx wrote:He is not banned. He does not want to use the forum.

Users browsing this forum: aleqqqs,

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 04.06.2012, 16:01
by Pezinator
He does not want to write in the Forum. Why do you even care about that?

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 04.06.2012, 18:42
by ALT
Pezinator wrote:He does not want to write in the Forum. Why do you even care about that?

Why i care? It just caught my attention because its not normal. Why is he using TWO (or more?) persons to do a job he could do himself easily? Doesnt make sense.

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 04.06.2012, 19:10
by Pezinator
Thats true :D. He simply knows how to work as efficent as possible! But we have to stop this discussion now, because we are far in the Offtopic. (dear mods, sorry for that)

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 04.06.2012, 19:16
by Bianca1989
Könnt ihr diesen Mist mal sein lassen von wegen er soll selber posten, hab langsam auch keinen Bock mehr wenn das so weiter geht. Er machts halt nicht und gut ist. Gebtn Kommentar ab zur Map sonst lasst es eben bleiben <.<

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 04.06.2012, 19:33
by dcode
I can only speak for myself, but for me it doesn't matter who posts a map. I am happy about everyone participating and I don't see any need to make it a must to post a map by your own as long as the author is named in the topic respectively the map file. Therefore my recommendation is just to comment on and rate the map itself and not to waste any time on the meta stuff like who posts a map because that effectively makes no difference in the end.

Just my two cents :)

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 04.06.2012, 23:53
by ALT
Pezinator wrote:Thats true :D. He simply knows how to work as efficent as possible!

It would be more efficient if he posted them by himself... More layers just makes it less efficient; first he has to find a guy, then convince him to post the map, perhaps he would also have to upload it to some image sharing websites first, which is usually slow as hell. That is why it just doesnt make sense (<-my head exploded).

Re: Vintage 16x16

PostPosted: 05.03.2017, 23:16
by Seraph07
Design is ok (some parts are to bright).
Path is not ok (to simular to Mothership)