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Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 02.02.2014, 06:59
by Flipper
For your review and approval

Yes, I know there is an element of confusion to this map, hence the abundance of arrows.
However, it really does have a nice flow to it. there is a lot of double backs so defense should have a better chance.

Map file

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 02.02.2014, 16:16
by Pezinator
Seriously? :D Well... the path... Hmm... Yeah it's kind of confusing? But why not. Actually you can see how the creeps move quite easily. But I am not happy with the design. The orange frame doesn't look good. Moreover you might use a little shadow at the side of the path. And if you ask me the background is a bit too confusing, but that's only my own opinion.

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 02.02.2014, 20:03
by Flipper
I can always tone down the background.
Was going for a map with a lot of double-backs.

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 02.02.2014, 21:04
by xdXP
It´s possible to know the path by following the arrows.
BUT! The creeps will cover all the arrows after a while.

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 03.02.2014, 04:54
by Apos
I like the path quite a lot, and it's definitely not that complicated therefore some arrows are probably not required. (The only complicated part is really the center, otherwise the creeps never turn, they just follow the path as is.) The design could be better, but I find it nice already.

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 03.02.2014, 19:36
by Seraph07
Every long arrow is not really necessary. I dont know if people will enjoy this map.
It is quite a bit confusing with the doubleways but it is easy to deff and at least the end is a clear blind ally.

I would give it a try if you push your design a bit forward. :)

Path is quite interesting actually, I think we need some challenging maps and we can also kick them out if nobody wants to play it. So thank you anyways for going new ways and creating a new part of CreeTD.

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 09.02.2014, 08:05
by Flipper
So toned down the background and changed color scheme, there are some detail work, just looking to see what the thoght was, better or worse....I don't like as much

roundabout2.jpg (56.29 KiB) Viewed 3281 times

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 15.02.2014, 19:02
by Flipper
I have no idea what was in the water I was drinking on my last version.

Here is a IMO much better version:
roundabout3.jpg (65.43 KiB) Viewed 3238 times

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 16.02.2014, 01:16
by Pezinator
Why not? Version 3 is actually really nice. I'd give it a try and let maptesters discuss the part.

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 18.02.2014, 15:33
by manuel
Plan C?

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 21.02.2014, 00:37
by Pezinator
Roundabout_Rating.jpg (190.57 KiB) Viewed 3204 times

First of all the ZIP- File isn't correct map-file and jpeg must have the same name, so please rename your jpeg.

There are some things that aren't perfect. The arrows don't look nice and the path on it's own looks a bit loveless. Just like you removed the background put some black colour on it.
But although there are some things and eventhough the path is quite complicated when viewed the first time. The whole package of the map is qood.
The path is new and the design is good. I'll give it a try and put the map into internal discussion. If it passes I'd be happy to see the map in testing phase.

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 21.02.2014, 09:05
by Flipper
Actually the path part is exactly what I did. just ripped it out, was going for a very simple path. the background color is harder to compliment than I thought.

try as I might I could not get a nice arrow and maintain the proportion and not take up the entire path.
Some of the quality got diminished during jpeg conversion

Sorry thought I changed it back before zipping :(
corrected file name

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 15.03.2014, 18:16
by Seraph07
Added to Testing.

Re: Roundabout {16X16}

PostPosted: 30.03.2014, 14:49
by Seraph07

Moved to FUN

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