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Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 09.06.2012, 21:06
by Daninja






- 1s stop at clocks
- Pathlength: 116

Map authors

Aleqqqs & Daninja


Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 09.06.2012, 21:54
by Darkblades
Reminds me of Blueworld.

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 09.06.2012, 21:55
by Bianca1989
Hat was von Blueworld :D

Aber meiner Meinung nach müssen die Creeps nicht unbedingt stoppen an den Uhren.. Ansonsten find ich die Map gut.

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 09.06.2012, 22:10
by Daninja
It's Blueworld inspired, mainly the graphics, which we do not insist on...if anybody feels like making another graphics for it, feel free to do so.

Path-wise there are not many similarities to Blueworld.

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 09.06.2012, 22:48
by Pezinator
Yes it definitely has something from Blueworld, but i have to says that I like the path, altough it's a bit similar to blueworld whoms path i really can't stand (don't ask me why :D ) But I'd definitely say yes for this path.
The Design isn't good enough up to now. I wouldn't say it hurts my eyes, but it is defnitely too cloudy or fuzzy (i have to admit that I don't know which one is right here^^ i'd go for fuzzy, but let's see :D) I would change the design completely, so that it has nothing to do with blueworld, otherwise the two maps are too similar

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 09.06.2012, 23:38
by dcode
At a first glance it pretty much looks like blueworld and on top reuses the basic ideas of it. Imho it should vary much more from that map both in path and design when looking at it the first time :)

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 19.07.2012, 00:20
by indeX
Can't see the image file!!!!

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 26.12.2012, 03:47
by aleqqqs
repost des JPGs:

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 26.01.2013, 13:07
by Seraph07
I dont realy like the designcolors, but the path seems interesting. Not that easy to deff the map and it gives you enogh chances to find a good deffspot.
The pathdesign is ok and the idea to give the map a raster with backgroundelements is very good.

I like the elements with the waitingpoints and I think that this map will be a good compensation to blueworld.

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 26.01.2013, 13:39
by aleqqqs
its obviously heavily blueworld-inspired, but since blueworld is the most popular coop-map, i think thats okay.

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 18.02.2013, 22:20
by aleqqqs
alternative version

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 18.02.2013, 22:26
by manuel
I prefer the first version, path looks strange in the second and you copied Blueworld :)

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 19.02.2013, 15:57
by C0re
Although the whole concept reminds me of Blueworld, v3 is good. But please add a small line (I suggest to use the same color as the path) to divide the 2 fields.

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 21.02.2013, 19:55
by krunx
Please upload the map data over the Forum!

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 21.02.2013, 23:03
by aleqqqs

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 22.01.2017, 14:18
by Seraph07

Added to Testing

Survivor values
Easy: 120
Medium: 125
Hard: 130

[author] => aleqqqs
[size] => 32x16
[starts] => 1
[ends] => 1
[splittings] => 0
[joins] => 0
[overgrounds] => 112
[undergrounds] => 2
[min_length] => 114
[max_length] => 114
[url] =>

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 22.01.2017, 14:23
by Seraph07

Added to Testing

Survivor values
Easy: 120
Medium: 125
Hard: 130

[author] => Aleqqqs
[size] => 32x16
[starts] => 1
[ends] => 1
[splittings] => 0
[joins] => 0
[overgrounds] => 114
[undergrounds] => 2
[min_length] => 116
[max_length] => 116
[url] =>

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 10.02.2017, 16:35
by Knappe8
Teatime hat glaube die gleichen Pfadkoordinaten wie Teezeit.
Atm. in Fun nehme ich an, da sie gestern bei random rauskam.

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 10.02.2017, 19:06
by Seraph07
Ich verstehe deine Aussage nicht.

Re: Teatime 32x16

PostPosted: 10.02.2017, 19:15
by aleqqqs
Pfad passt nicht zum Bild --> sollte rausfliegen. War wohl eine frühe Variante von Teezeit.