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Vector Vision

PostPosted: 05.12.2013, 06:48
by Rayzor789
Vector vision should include the direction of the mobs, including corners. Just having an orange line and dots is pretty useless. However, it'd be a very useful tool for maps we're unfamiliar with if we could tell exactly where mobs are going. Also, an option to replace the tower colors with numbers, so instead of guessing at the shade of colors, we can tell by number how strong the position. I.e. 1-20, 1 being the worst location and 20 being incredibly awesome

Re: Vector Vision

PostPosted: 05.12.2013, 07:44
by Seraph07
Vector vision is at the moment a kinda powerfull tool, because you can see the waitingtime of a Creep and yes, the lines dont show the path 100% but on maps like eastereggvec (testingmap, doesnt show you the whole path on the map) it is a kinda big vantage.

CreepTD is equal for every player, everyone has the same settings, so Pro has not the function to establish a advantage against other players.

The vector vision is simple designed, you can see the path and the most informations, it is very helpfull on maps like Bromium and it is the little benefit it should be.

Tank you for your suggestion and your will to improve CreepTD, but we have to protect the equality. Maybe you can give us your opinion to one of our maps which are still in the testingarea.

Re: Vector Vision

PostPosted: 12.12.2013, 22:54
by westfalen
Whats the waitingtime of a creep?

Re: Vector Vision

PostPosted: 13.12.2013, 15:21
by Seraph07
Maps like Richtungswechsel or Straightjacket have stops on their path. With vector vision you can see how many ticks the Creeps wait on these spots. So we could speak about a waitingtime for Creeps on their way to the end.
Stops with different length
Waitingtime.JPG (27.36 KiB) Viewed 1278 times

Re: Vector Vision

PostPosted: 14.12.2013, 00:56
by westfalen
okay got it, thanks.