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Something to avoid the constant enter/quit of some players

PostPosted: 12.04.2013, 19:22
by DoubleM
Thats really annoying the constant entering and quiting of some players when we are waiting to start a game..

I´ve notice that especially lately is very difficult to start a game and one of the reasons is this. It takes so long to have 4 players ready.

I really don´t know what can be done, but maybe some kind of penalty or x times that can quit

Re: Something to avoid the constant enter/quit of some playe

PostPosted: 12.04.2013, 19:52
by Lamer
I don't think a penalty is the best idea to fix this Problem.

Its really annoying to wait for a Game starts.
I think there are two main Reasons for this.

At first: The Skill
Some do not want to play with people that have a lower skill. Because Twinks and low Skill-Rewards by playing against weaker looking Guys, you can just loose. Other guys dont want to play against stronger enemys. Nobody likes to loose.

A Fix for this Problem is hopefully soon disposed.

At second: If you join a Game and have to wait, you cannot see what other Games are open.
So, many Players don't join a Game and wait in the lobby until an interesting one is almost full.

A Fix have not been announced yet.
My idea would be to integrate Tabs.
So you can join a Game and always have an Eye on the Lobby-Tab to see the other Games.


Re: Something to avoid the constant enter/quit of some playe

PostPosted: 08.05.2013, 23:24
by GhostStalker
Being able to look at the lobby while waiting in a game would be great! Another thought, as for the post.. when you kick a player, they should not be allowed to join that game again. MAybe they can join as a spectator, and the game creator can then select an new option to allow the player to join again, but only with the creators permision.

Re: Something to avoid the constant enter/quit of some playe

PostPosted: 09.05.2013, 09:58
by Seraph07
Today you cannot join the game anymore after 3 kicks.

Re: Something to avoid the constant enter/quit of some playe

PostPosted: 31.05.2013, 03:11
by GhostStalker
Avoid the constant enter / quit of a map, this dosn't help prevent that, but what if ... Team games that have spectators could allow spectators to sit down mid-game and join in, if someone has left and there's an ampty seat?? Of corse you can place automatic restrictions on the skill level accepted to sit and join, or, an adition to the team-game lobby setup options, players could set up their own perameters. Just an idea